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Throw something at the next poster!

Starter: DEMO Posted: 16 years ago Views: 15.5K
  • Goto:
Lvl 14
catches smelly fish, and once again throws at arsene wengar
Lvl 26
Arsene Wenger admits defeat and moves out of london and takes smelly fish with him, leaves a season ticket for Spurs.

Throws season ticket.
Lvl 27
catches season ticket and sells it on ebay to buy a new camera...

throws pictures of baseball game
Lvl 26
Catches Baseball pictures and trade them in for candid pics of Jessica Alba.

Throws Jessica's panties.
sniffs the panties .....

throws a soiled condom
Lvl 26
Catches Condom and contents fall out, Gives it to Cameron Diaz for Hair Gel. In return she gives me her bra.

Throws Bra.
Lvl 20
Catches Miss Diaz bra and sells it on ebay for great money.

Buys a cop badge that turns out to be fake and throws it.
Lvl 11
is hit by cop badge, puts on chest, and arrests Ves

throws Ves
Lvl 26
Catches Cop badge and uses it to arrest the entire UK government for lying ! Get sent to jail and Big John wants me for his play thing !!.

Picks up Big John and throws him.
Lvl 20
Lands on his head in a cell. Ooowww! That hurts dude! What did I do?

Throws another prisoner.
Lvl 14
buys all of these items on ebay. catches random prisoner, turns out its norman fletcher! ronnie barker was a legend! throws ronnie corbett
Lvl 20
Avoids to catch Ronnie Corbett since he doesn't know who it is.

Throws the dudes jacket.
Lvl 27
catches jacket and keeps it seeing as how the weather will be cooling down soon, finds new watch in the pocket but has no use for it

throws the hands of the watch
Lvl 14
how can you not know ronnie corbett?? youtube him...

anyway, catches hands. has no use whatsoever so drops them. throws a nearby rake
Lvl 6
ducks whatever the hell is being thrown at him and catapults a ton of partially whole thrown up spaghetti.
Lvl 26
Catches Spaghetti and has it on some toast (Yum) recycled food ! Eats a little bit too much and has to have a poo.

Throws very large Turd.
Lvl 20
Yanks Punn in front of him so he gets the turd in the face. That'll teach you!

Throws bucket of water.
Lvl 26
Catches water in face and washes off the turd ! Puts on dry clothes and...

Throws old wet underwear.
Lvl 20
Catches old wet underwear in the basket since he's going to do the laundry tomorrow anyhow.

Throws remote control.
Lvl 14
catches remote control, watches some fine quality, top notch porn. throws soiled tissues
  • Goto: