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Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question

Starter: HungLikEaChamp Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.6K
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Lvl 19

This is so pitiful and funny to watch at the same time.
Lvl 9
It,s a good thing she is good looking.
what the hell was she talking about? I know these contests are mainly about looks but can we have some kind a minimum I.Q. requirement please.
Lvl 37
Don't know what is saddest, her aswer or the majority of the comments made about the clip on youtube...
Lvl 12
I dont think, such as, she should be, such as, accepted to, such as, college.
Lvl 6
Is it possible for someone to be THAT stupid?
She must have the wires in her head all crossed.
Lvl 26
She is a Ditzy Blonde.... No sorry she is stupid !!
Lvl 14
er..............yes, free the dolphin, give them maps for escape and evasion techniques. and equal rights to all wasp's and fly's
i dunno she is THICK lol
Lvl 13
hot and dumb, my favorites
Lvl 27
sorry, i don't care how good looking you are, if i can't have some kind of intelligent conversation with you, you're outta here...
Lvl 4
And people wonder why we are heading done the shitter! Somewhere we lost the concept that knowledge is power, because beauty is so much easier.
Lvl 29
Dumb as a pound of lunch meat.
Lvl 8
maybe a drug test would be in order, cause ive talked that way only after a big bowl. poor kid how embarressing.maybe she shoulda shut-up and pulled her skirt over her head then she woulda won for sure
Lvl 19
Well, she may be not very bright but she finished 4th in the competition. One more proof that that they look for a look not for a brain in those competitions.(whine)
Lvl 18
What a moron...
Lvl 10
I mean like FER SHUR...totally...

As someone said least she's pretty. I know we've all frozen when put on the spot, but she's just blathering. She'll probably go on to become a trophy wife and have lots of little Paris Jr's.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Starkain

And people wonder why we are heading done the shitter! Somewhere we lost the concept that knowledge is power, because beauty is so much easier.

Beauty is a whole lot harder then knowledge. Anybody can study and be smart, ya gotta be lucky and be born blessed to be attractive. No amount of studying or hard work can get rid of ugly.

For the record I'm not trying to say that beauty should be more important then knowledge. Simply commenting on your statement that it's easier.
Lvl 10
I had to stop it half way through I couldn't take it. Someone please tell me her head imploded. God what an idiot.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Swiss407


Beauty is a whole lot harder then knowledge. Anybody can study and be smart, ya gotta be lucky and be born blessed to be attractive. No amount of studying or hard work can get rid of ugly.

For the record I'm not trying to say that beauty should be more important then knowledge. Simply commenting on your statement that it's easier.

I agree that if you're ugly you can't easily change that. In the same way, if you're an idiot no amount of studying will make you smart. Like being beautiful, being smart is something you either are or you aren't. Studying will give you knowledge (information) but you have to be able to process that information and that's where being smart or stupid makes the difference.
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