Score: 4.12 Votes: 8
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Last one to post is the sexiest 2

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 20.0K
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Lvl 8
We ?
Lvl 22
Of course WE. As you are now by default Sexiest here I think WE should help the less fortunate. Don't You?
Lvl 8
Lvl 22
Game on then?
Lvl 8
You just want me to post me game in picture again don't you...
Lvl 22
I would never do that
Lvl 8
Of course you wouldn't
Lvl 27
Judging from that picture dubs, I think I want to be a hand model
Lvl 8
Could be a start of a new career Demolicious
Lvl 27
Indeed, and I know the booty I could start modeling them on

Lvl 8
Call me.
Lvl 27
Lvl 8
Lol. no ringing must be dialing the someone else
Lvl 22
Left coast Monk is back to start a new shift.

(I may be a monk but,)
Lvl 27
Originally posted by dubs15

Lol. no ringing must be dialing the someone else

Sorry, forgot to pay the phone bill
Lvl 8
Hellllo dear
Lvl 22
Originally posted by dubs15

Hellllo dear

Just give me a ring
Lvl 8
Ohhh sounds like temptation...
More?? Very well. Carry on then.
Lvl 22
Us Monks are here to help you with your temptations. (part of the duties we have, just sayin'
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