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Last one to post is the sexiest 2

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 20.0K
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Lvl 8
Originally posted by Demodad68

Indeed, those black short shorts are pretty hot that dubs is sporting

Why thankyou Demo & SP
...Thank you for your support, Dubs. But I already knew that

I shall ignore all comments referring to me being gay, from now on! YoungMonk is not gay! Last time I'm going to say it.

Lvl 8
Anytime babe
Lvl 27
Sexy is as sexy does...
Lvl 8
Them I'm doing a good job!
Lvl 5
can't beat my sexy...
Lvl 8
Sure gonna try
Lvl 9
Me too!!!
Lvl 8
Yay for Kat!
Lvl 4
Oh this discussion is about who is the "sexiest" ....... my bad ........ I misread read it the first time and thought it said "sexist" lol

anyway we are back on track and I project myself will end up winning this ....... I am extra motivated now I know SugarPie is imterested in my Penis
Lvl 8
Lvl 27
^^^Very nice dubs
Lvl 8
Thank you much Demo
Top o the mornin to ya!
Lvl 4
my sexiness got that early in the morning woke up with wood thing goin on
Lvl 8
Job well done then!!!
Lvl 27
Originally posted by dubs15

Thank you much Demo
Top o the mornin to ya!

Top O' the mornin to you also dubs

Lvl 8
What's happenin hotstuff...
Lvl 27
Sitting around being my sexy self
Originally posted by littlefishy
I am extra motivated now I know SugarPie is imterested in my Penis

Of course I am, just the other day Demo and I were discussing who in rhe animal kingdom had the largest penis (blue whale) and that got me thinking...I wonder who has the smallest penis in the the animal kingdom? Now the mystery is over.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Of course I am, just the other day Demo and I were discussing who in rhe animal kingdom had the largest penis (blue whale) and that got me thinking...I wonder who has the smallest penis in the the animal kingdom? Now the mystery is over.

Glad to see you are continuing on with your scientific research, thats sooo sexy
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