Score: 4.12 Votes: 8
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Last one to post is the sexiest 2

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 20.0K
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Lvl 8
. This is a great end of the day being that I worked with no air conditioning in 105 degree weather...
Lvl 28
back at ya' babe.
Lvl 4
Deucie.... Somehow I knew you were going to win.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Deucie

. This is a great end of the day being that I worked with no air conditioning in 105 degree weather...

Same here babe

And congrats on your win
Lvl 8
Thanks you gents!
Lvl 27
Soo, what's your prize for winning???
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Demodad68

Soo, what's your prize for winning???

A week with the monk of my choice

Well played Deucie!

I see now that for some reason you ended up at 999. Lucky I saw the 1000th post was yours earlier. I just had to run
work stuff and didn't get back 'till now.

Now what do we do for fun

(locked now)
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