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Insult the poster above you . Vol-18ish?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 10.5K
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Lvl 28
We used to have a game like this awhile back but it kinda fizzled, or was deleted I don't know.

Anyway, what you do is insult the posted above you...try to keep it non-specific and kinda funny..

Doing it right:

^Is so ugly, a dog wouldn't even hump his leg.

Doing it wrong:

^Honda_X is a worthless douchebag who only posts useless garbage about nothing, and his stories suck and im jealous of his overly large penis.

So it's just to have a bit of a laugh, nobody should take it seriously or get butthurt about it.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 28
^Is so ugly, a dog wouldn't even hump his leg.
Lvl 29

Even if he tied a pork chop to it!!
Lvl 14
im sorry i just can't do it. i've got just 2 much respect 4 u honda
Lvl 24
^^ fucking pussy, must have no balls :P
Lvl 28
Don't worry, it's all in good fun..

^lost her virginity to a mechanical bull.
Lvl 24
^^ has a smaller cock then i do
Lvl 28
^has a cock

Lvl 14
wow these are really below the belt, literally! ok, my turn...

nope, ill go grow those balls back.

but FeFe, seriously, a mechanical bull?!?1 each 2 their own lol
Lvl 28
^ is so slow, he doesn't need an egg timer, he needs an egg calendar
Lvl 3
Honda X is so poor, he asks if the hookers take food stamps.
Lvl 10
^is the hooker that accepted Honda's food stamps
Lvl 28
^franklin is so ghey, hookers pay him for fashion tips
Lvl 10
^is maid that cleaned up the room after they were done.
Lvl 28
^wishes he were a toilet bowl in a female dorm
Lvl 10
^ had bad sex from a tranny and is on dial up
Lvl 10
^is the tranny that serviced Honda
Lvl 28

^when he goes to sleep at night, he has fantasies about jack black
Lvl 8
^his momma wears underwear with dickholes in them...
Lvl 14
^^^had his mum twice...
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