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Finish The Sentence, Vol. something, maybe 15ish

Starter: DEMO Posted: 13 years ago Views: 23.0K
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Lvl 22
Ronald McDonald.
Although Smurfette was impressed she still asked....
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Fred Flintstone if he was still the grand poobah of...
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Of the Moose Lodge and still played the..
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the trmbone in a band called..
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Fred and the ...
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Cow Patty Seven who were opening up for...
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The Clodpooper family, featuring Grandpa Dirt on the fiddle, brother Big on the banjo, Junior on the flat top, Ma on the washboard and sisters Bubbetta, Bubbalina, Bubbalynn, Bubbalou and Bubbajo providing vocals with their unique...
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voice range that always made the dogs start howling and the fish...
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mate with ...
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electric eels which had the undesirable effect of ...
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shorting out the power grid of the dam which led to...
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A real mess in the bathroom, because when Bubbetta had to go she...
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had to turn on the lights to avoid ...
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the cockroaches. She really hated the way.....
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those little buggers would scatter about when the light was turned on, she said they looked like...
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they were happy to she her. This made Bubba....
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laugh because...
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she had often retrieved them from her.....
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undie drawer where she also stashed her...
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