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Working on overhaul of our moderation system

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 4 months ago Views: 4.3K
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Lvl 25
Originally posted by vbollie
I agree 100% with your experience and suggestions @tuttut1 . It's really frustrating, especially given users submit the comment that Diz-X makes revenue from.

It's amusing how some folks assume I reside in a grand villa or mansion. Truth is, my earnings from WBW aren't substantial. There have been times when I've considered ditching the site altogether due to the hassle outweighing the benefits. I operate a side business just to make ends meet and avoid the risk of homelessness. For over two years, I've shouldered the burden as hosting prices surged by nearly 60%.

I could have monetized the website with advertisements and potentially earned a significant amount of money. However, WBW was never intended to make me wealthy.
acidlust, babeologist, Ezk, nok_nok and 2 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 3
Anyone who you question as underage, should NEVER be allowed on the sight.
I understand you can’t verify, but you know and don’t allow it.
paor1 finds this awesome.
Lvl 3
Just a quick question for Diz and any of the mods. If nude pictures of your mother/daughters/sisters/partner (all of legal age) pop up for moderation, and say uploaded by an ex, do you accept them as they aren't 'breaking the rules' or do you decline them? I'm genuinely curious.
Lvl 3
Also, you do know ‘girls’ can filter their looks?
Maybe you should hire me.
You will be jailed.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Jimmyjams13
Anyone who you question as underage, should NEVER be allowed on the sight.
I understand you can’t verify, but you know and don’t allow it.

We collaborate with the KLPD cybercrime unit whenever someone uploads CP. In cases where CP is uploaded, we immediately forward all relevant information to the cybercrime unit. We maintain zero tolerance for such behavior.
acidlust, Jimmyjams13 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by afrika
wtf? you're genuinely creepy
another thread goes spam....

Jup... All posts are not really about the moderation system, and more about far related stuff from moderation.
acidlust finds this awesome.
Lvl 3
I'm just pointing out the double standards. I didn't need a reply to know the answer.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by paor1
I'm just pointing out the double standards. I didn't need a reply to know the answer.

There is always a double standard in that situation. What point are you trying to make? That in very RARE situations there is a double standard?
Lvl 3
Just the reason that people wouldn't accept family member uploads because they know it's wrong and they wouldn't want them to get hurt etc, but apparently it's fine to have strangers uploaded without consent. Yes, I'm guilty of uploading in the past but I removed them when starting to think of the moral implications.
Lvl 77
Originally posted by paor1
Just the reason that people wouldn't accept family member uploads because they know it's wrong and they wouldn't want them to get hurt etc, but apparently it's fine to have strangers uploaded without consent. Yes, I'm guilty of uploading in the past but I removed them when starting to think of the moral implications.

Yet you’re still happy to visit the website, view and comment on images etc. knowing that 99% of the content are of women that have no idea their photos are on here?
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Diz-X
It's amusing how some folks assume I reside in a grand villa or mansion. Truth is, my earnings from WBW aren't substantial. There have been times when I've considered ditching the site altogether due to the hassle outweighing the benefits. I operate a side business just to make ends meet and avoid the risk of homelessness. For over two years, I've shouldered the burden as hosting prices surged by nearly 60%.

I could have monetized the website with advertisements and potentially earned a significant amount of money. However, WBW was never intended to make me wealthy.

Never suggested it was a huge source of wealth. If the juice isn't worth the squeeze Diz-X, then shut it down. No offense meant or taken.

As you know, if users don't contribute, you don't have a site. Uploading users are giving you feedback about the challenges and frustrations, and it would be worthwhile to meaningfully consider their views and evolve.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
Lvl 70
Originally posted by paor1
Just a quick question for Diz and any of the mods. If nude pictures of your mother/daughters/sisters/partner (all of legal age) pop up for moderation, and say uploaded by an ex, do you accept them as they aren't 'breaking the rules' or do you decline them? I'm genuinely curious.

I mean, if I know for sure the person on the picture is opposed to it being posted here, then it should be deleted. Take down requests happen regularely and pics are removed (at least that was the case back when I was dealing with it). So it would be a case of asking directly to the person on the pic and mod accordingly, it just would bypass the "report" process.

Originally posted by sogood
As you know, if users don't contribute, you don't have a site. Uploading users are giving you feedback about the challenges and frustrations, and it would be worthwhile to meaningfully consider their views and evolve.

I mean, Diz is actually implementing clarifications and changes because of the feedback so it's not like he's ignoring everyone.
You just can't please everyone, especially when some people ask for something and other something that goes the other way (for example, some would prefer having a quicker/lighter moderation, while others think moderation isn't tight enough/that there are too many duplicates etc.) or when someone asks for something that goes against what Diz want the site to be (for example, we could just remove moderation altogether but WBW wouldn't be an amateur porn website anymore then).

Finally, it's also important to notice that people who complain aren't always the majority or the representative part of the community. I'm not saying some complaints or questions aren't valid, but there are plenty of uploaders I never saw post here.
As an illustation, you can check this thread : where you can see a lot of complaints (and drama...) but the poll itself seems to go the opposite way.
Diz-X, tututut1 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
On the upload page, I want to add brief statistics regarding your uploads. This will provide a simple overview, allowing you to track the quantity added and deleted, categorized by reason. Perhaps this will aid in quickly understanding why content has been rejected. I've noticed that many uploaders still tend to upload heavily watermarked content.
tututut1, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 3
I know it’s out of topic. Is there a way to quick add a picture you like so you can go back and look for it instead of having to click on it then like it then go back?
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Wearsabra
I know it’s out of topic. Is there a way to quick add a picture you like so you can go back and look for it instead of having to click on it then like it then go back?

Do you mean quick like on the thumbnail overview page?
Lvl 9
Originally posted by omuh
I mean, Diz is actually implementing clarifications and changes because of the feedback so it's not like he's ignoring everyone.
You just can't please everyone, especially when some people ask for something and other something that goes the other way (for example, some would prefer having a quicker/lighter moderation, while others think moderation isn't tight enough/that there are too many duplicates etc.) or when someone asks for something that goes against what Diz want the site to be (for example, we could just remove moderation altogether but WBW wouldn't be an amateur porn website anymore then).

Agree with what you are saying, although I'd say it's important to note at least from my point of view there's no issues or gripes with what Diz has implemented or the rules themselves. Those rules make WBW the best porn website there is. I think he has done a tremendous job on that front.

I think the issue most are alluding to is the inconsistency in the rules being applied to the uploads from mod to mod. Just a few posts back I posted a graphic showing over a third of the ladies on the top 96 trending were paid models. People are, rightly, gonna be pissed off for uploading like for like content and it being rejected, especially when there's a reward system attached to it.

Originally posted by omuh
Finally, it's also important to notice that people who complain aren't always the majority or the representative part of the community. I'm not saying some complaints or questions aren't valid, but there are plenty of uploaders I never saw post here.
As an illustation, you can check this thread : where you can see a lot of complaints (and drama...) but the poll itself seems to go the opposite way.

Again I agree with some of what you're saying but I think that's grasping at straws to be honest. A poll hidden away in a forum most users won't see probably isn't representative of the true feelings of all uploaders.

Most people don't complain, so you can assume for every 4 complaints you see there's 96 others who felt the same but didn't voice their experience. I'm not suggesting a majority of uploaders are unhappy but just pointing out that the poll probably doesn't represent the WBW community.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by tututut1
I think the issue most are alluding to is the inconsistency in the rules being applied to the uploads from mod to mod. Just a few posts back I posted a graphic showing over a third of the ladies on the top 96 trending were paid models. People are, rightly, gonna be pissed off for uploading like for like content and it being rejected, especially when there's a reward system attached to it.

I can understand that, but it's not as "random" as some make it seem. Most of the stuff that is rejected is for a good reason, and more often than not, the problem is that too much stuff is accepted when it shouldn't (especially pros). Most of those inconsistancies come from the fact that mods can't fully know all pro models and even the tools are our disposal aren't perfect at detecting them or others things. Add the fact some subjectivty can come into play for some items (quality and age mostly) and you necessarily end up with some errors or disparities.
Now I do also think that if all mods used systematic reverse search engines, many of the pros (or even cropped pics) you can easily identify in the galleries would not have gone through. But I also wonder how many users would then complain that the moderating time are super long (and they're already pretty long).
As for subjectivity, with the current system, there isn't much we can do, other than intense training to uniformise each mods appreciations, which seems very disproportionate for such a site and people who just mod for free. A consensus system could help reduce it, but that means developing a new system.

Originally posted by tututut1
Again I agree with some of what you're saying but I think that's grasping at straws to be honest. A poll hidden away in a forum most users won't see probably isn't representative of the true feelings of all people don't complain, so you can assume for every 4 complaints you see there's 96 others who felt the same but didn't voice their experience. I'm not suggesting a majority of uploaders are unhappy but just pointing out that the poll probably doesn't represent the WBW community.

Oh I didn't intend to show that as a general representative data. It was just a quick example that even on a thread that is about moderation complaints/frustration, you could actually find an opposite trend within the poll itself. I wouldn't hold that poll to be representative of the community, just like I wouldn't take the few people complaining as the general consensus.
It ends up being a matter of taking the constructive criticism, see if things can be improved/clarified but you can't please everyone anyway, especially those who end up arguing in bad faith or want the site to become something it isn't.
tututut1, Diz-X find this awesome.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by omuh
I can understand that, but it's not as "random" as some make it seem. Most of the stuff that is rejected is for a good reason, and more often than not, the problem is that too much stuff is accepted when it shouldn't (especially pros). Most of those inconsistancies come from the fact that mods can't fully know all pro models and even the tools are our disposal aren't perfect at detecting them or others things. Add the fact some subjectivty can come into play for some items (quality and age mostly) and you necessarily end up with some errors or disparities.
Now I do also think that if all mods used systematic reverse search engines, many of the pros (or even cropped pics) you can easily identify in the galleries would not have gone through. But I also wonder how many users would then complain that the moderating time are super long (and they're already pretty long).
As for subjectivity, with the current system, there isn't much we can do, other than intense training to uniformise each mods appreciations, which seems very disproportionate for such a site and people who just mod for free. A consensus system could help reduce it, but that means developing a new system.

Oh I didn't intend to show that as a general representative data. It was just a quick example that even on a thread that is about moderation complaints/frustration, you could actually find an opposite trend within the poll itself. I wouldn't hold that poll to be representative of the community, just like I wouldn't take the few people complaining as the general consensus.
It ends up being a matter of taking the constructive criticism, see if things can be improved/clarified but you can't please everyone anyway, especially those who end up arguing in bad faith or want the site to become something it isn't.

Fair enough, can't argue with that.
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
I have added the "Not Women Centric" as deny reason.


DUPL - Duplicate : 0
MARK - Watermarked : 2
PROF - Professional : 1
UA - Underaged : 4
QA - Questionably aged : 2
KB - Kid(s) in background : 1
EXTR - Gross / Extreme : 2
QTY - Bad quality : 1
CROP - Cropped : 0
ALT - Altered / Photoshopped : 1
SCRN - Screenshot (UI elements in photo/video) : 1
AI - AI generated : 1
UNCO - Unconscious : 2
NWC - Not Women Centric : 2
OTHER - Other : 0

Reason why I have added "Screenshot", "Cropped", "AI" as deny reason would make it easier to understand why content is rejected instead of vague deny reasons. If we are gonna make the moderation process more transparent it would start with better definitions of the rejection itself.
The_Sentinel, omuh find this awesome.
Lvl 70
Looks good to me!

Could you also look into the possibility to make it so that if a picture is sideways/upside down, after we rotate it the good way, we can reverse search engine and it actually looks for the rotated pic and not the sideways one. Otherwise, we can't check those properly.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
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