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The New Feature Request and Bugs Thread

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 4 years ago Views: 14.5K
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Lvl 12
Icon issue is on Chrome too.

Also, not letting me change background picture on profile page. Gives an error message.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ellen84
Icon issue is on Chrome too.

Also, not letting me change background picture on profile page. Gives an error message.

Thank you for reporting, will look into it. I am focusing on releasing a patch withing a week with some fixes I run accross.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by The_Sentinel
I have the icon layout issue too (on Safari)

It's a browser cache related issue. We upgraded from ( ) bootstrap 4 to 5, has better support for modern browsers and bigger viewport on larger screens.
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
Lvl 16
would it be possible that when you block someone you could have the option not to see any of their comments?
Lvl 21
Originally posted by greenmanone
would it be possible that when you block someone you could have the option not to see any of their comments?

Agree. 1000 times agree.
greenmanone finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Diz-X
Weird that firefox keeps prompting for your primary password database password. I need to test this and look into this, it should not happen as there is no password field in the layout.

Did this just happen? because one hour ago I updated the site with big overhaul. I tested everything on Chrome and Safari...

Yes, it did just happen, and does appear to be specifically firefox in my experience. I cannot replicate the issue with other browsers - but with firefox the issue does persist.
Lvl 21
I just noticed today: When I click on the "last post" arrows from the Forums New post list instead of going immediately to the last post, it goes to the first post on the last page and then scrolls to the last post.

It does the same thing if you click on the newest post button from the front page.

Not a huge thing but it is kind of clumsy and not as smooth as it was.
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
Lvl 12
I still can't change the background picture on my profile page. I get an error message about size limits, but the picture is within them.
Lvl 25
I am working on fixes, this may take a bit of time but they are coming!
Lvl 12
Originally posted by ellen84
Icon issue is on Chrome too.

Also, not letting me change background picture on profile page. Gives an error message.

Still not allowing me to change my background. Granted, it's a nice picture, but still.
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ellen84
Still not allowing me to change my background. Granted, it's a nice picture, but still.

I still need to work on it, I have been between a rock and hard place atm.
Andi.d, ellen84 find this awesome.
Lvl 5
heels, shoes, in the tags section.

also is there a way to use HTML code in comments. so when I set a "color" it will show up. I know not everyone wants or can do it, but folks like me who have the knowledge would like to do so html in comments. color, italics, etc.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by nji9bhu8vgy7
heels, shoes, in the tags section.

“Heels” is already a tag option.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Diz-X
I still need to work on it, I have been between a rock and hard place atm.

Everything good is a work in progress. You still have the best site on these internets.
justmeee finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
#1 on my wishlist is the ability to also exclude certain tags from a Tag Search. Searching for specific characteristics would become much faster and easier.

For example, I don't like lipstick; it creeps me out. I can search with desired tags, but I can't filter out photos with the "lipstick" tag.
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by chival_aardvark
#1 on my wishlist is the ability to also exclude certain tags from a Tag Search. Searching for specific characteristics would become much faster and easier.

For example, I don't like lipstick; it creeps me out. I can search with desired tags, but I can't filter out photos with the "lipstick" tag.

will note it down, shouldn't be too hard to add.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Diz-X
I still need to work on it, I have been between a rock and hard place atm.

no pressure... just letting you know it's still not working
Lvl 40
just curious, it's been a while since my update page shows which ones I've voted on already... is this bug in process to be fixed? if Filter to 1 or 2 of the users I'm following, it works... but no filters or 3 users.. and none of the pics highlight green any more :-(
no rush... just want to make sure this is a known issue
Lvl 17
Unlock buttons are spaced weirdly
Lvl 12
Originally posted by ellen84
no pressure... just letting you know it's still not working

Still not letting me upload a background picture to my profile page...
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