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Status update on the new WhatBoysWant

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 11 years ago Views: 4.6K
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Lvl 25
So here is a new status update on the new WhatBoysWant; To put it plain and simple, we are almost done with version 7. There are still some small issues that need to be resolved. We are going to start the final beta very soon with fully imported live database for testing. We think new site will be completed in about a month and will go live.

Any question, please feel free to ask.
Lvl 14
Diz, what is the new system architecture you are using? is it Java, Linux, C++ or something else? Regards, AT
Lvl 27
No questions, just keep working
Lvl 70
Are you interested in the list I made of features that people asked in the different thread about the new version ?
Lvl 25
Originally posted by omuh

Are you interested in the list I made of features that people asked in the different thread about the new version ?

I am yes, so I can plan those function in new versions. I want to do small increment updates after the new site is launched.
Lvl 70
Ok, here it is. If you need precisions for some, feel free to ask

- possibility to "follow" members and be notified new uploads/(favorites)/posts from these members
- possitility to order your favorites (folders for example)
- titles (or achievment) based on activity (upload, posts, tags etc.)
- anti-troll voting system : block votes from member having an average voting below x (too low to be real) or above y (to high to be real) with a minimum number of z votes (to avoid blocking newcomers).
- live chat box/page maybe ?

- some feature to group pictures from the same girl/set on the gallery. Instead of writing the link in the comments, have an option to link the picture to another one and the links would appear somewhere (in the properties for example).
- see the rating bar under thumbs in gallery / tagsearch result (like in the current top babes page) so that we can quickly see pics we haven't seen yet
- possibility to filter pics by rating (only show pics above x) and by MY rating (only show pictures I voted x/above x)
- possibility to change our votes

- ability to exclude tags from search (for example : bikini + *not*beach to see pics of bikini girls but that don't have the beach tag)
- ability to add options to the tag search such as sorting by rating or search only in favorites
- a tagme page (like hot or not) only showing pics/movies with less than 5 tags (5 is the lowest complete tag count I've seen so far, if it's below, some tags are necessarily missing)

- make the forums work like modern ones : keeping track of what you've read or not even if you logout without having read everything (so that when you come back, you don't miss posts)
- make the "go to last post" button go for the last undead post instead
- a "thank" or "like" button for each posts that give credit to the poster (currently only thread starters gets credits)
- sort the favorite threads by main forum section

- visibility for mods over the permanent taggers
- statistics for permanent taggers (like the current crew statistics)
- ability for mods to see who added a tag
- checkbox when rejecting pics/movies with the usuals reasons. Then, every day/week/whatever the uploader get a report of all the reason given within this time lapse (with thumbs if possible)
- auto "abuse note" when someone change his username (something like "old_username changed his username to new_username" )
- be able to change a pic to the same but in better quality or uncropped (improve the site quality while letting the credit to the original poster) + notification of the mod who uploaded to better quality pic + stat in admin page
Lvl 17
Some fantastic ideas from the community. If only some of those are implemented, it will be a big improvement.
Lvl 25
omuh: Nice list mate!

Fixed some bugs in IE7...
Lvl 27
Any idea yet when beta testing will start?
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ArcticThong

Diz, what is the new system architecture you are using? is it Java, Linux, C++ or something else? Regards, AT

Still PHP/MySQL/Linux/ect.
Lvl 25
on is the beta now. I imported the database from some days ago for testing, there are still some big issues needed to resolving.
- Slow voting (takes about 2 to 5 seconds)
- Very very very slow forum search
- Frontpage needs finetuning...
- Maybe some tuning to user public profile.

Rest seems very solid...
Lvl 27
I'll jump in at some point
Lvl 40
Seems good so far ... Im guessing the modding / admin functions havent been completed yet ??
Lvl 25
Originally posted by BWT

Seems good so far ... Im guessing the modding / admin functions havent been completed yet ??

have been completed, only rights need to be set manually as there are some big changes.
Lvl 17
I'm liking the look of this one a lot better than the last beta
Lvl 27
we can now view all topics in the forums from way back in 2003

Thanks Dizzy
Lvl 6
will check
Lvl 28
Thanks for the hard work Diz! Seems like the annoying 'double-back' of the current version so you can easily go back when you've voted for a picture if you're looking through some guys upload and just want to vote on just a few of them. Will take some getting used to the new layout but that's how it usually is.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Paddy!

I'm liking the look of this one a lot better than the last beta

You like the old WBW more? or the newest beta?
Lvl 25
The last beta testing phase will almost start, working out some small kinks out of the alpha.

New version should be called Alpha (7)
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