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Missing Features or Bugs?

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.5K
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Lvl 25
Did you find any thing missing on this site? Or found some real nasty bugs? please report them so i can go fix!

Yes i am back on coding again, so give me something to do!

Lvl 12
1 - a link to change our profile from here, so we dont have to visit the main page.

2 - the ability to turnoff private messages

3 - a custom title to be placed under the avatar
(could be filled in on the profile menu under the avatar choice for example)
(not tied to post count though, to prevent spammers)

4 - make it so when you visit "who's online" that you can click the way its shown, like when there are 43234432 users online to show the registered users on top (organize by)

now start coding!!
Lvl 25
1. Problem with DHTML menu is that you can't give option to it for members, so other menu items are displayed. But i will think about something!

2. Good one, some people don't want private message! (don't you want my private messages )

3. Maybe i should make it more a generated title by how much you post and how much you are active on the site.

4. I organised that one on members first then guests. ( Requested by Senja ).

haha I will i will.. i bug fixed a lot of things last couple of hours
Lvl 12
3. Maybe i should make it more a generated title by how much you post and how much you are active on the site.

you could add the option of filling in your own title after you reach a certain amount of posts
(250 or so, there is not that much posting going on here to make it something li
ke a 1000)

Lvl 22
2 suggestions

1. a back to index button. for example if you are looking at the "this week section" and clickc "next pic" a couple of times, it quite a nnoying to have to press back 10 times to get back to the index.

2. a "report this pic to a moderator" button / function. That way we will be able to do it without having to post thoe "this girl is hot but pro " threads in the forum

Lvl 16
point to is a good suggestion

i have a bug report watch in the : to many double pics topic
Lvl 16
sending a new msg to anyone just by filling in their membername or membernumber instead of having to click their name when their either online or have posted something.
to clearify: I wanted to notify someone who had sent news to the news queue and ask him/her if it was okay if I edited the news. I had no way of reaching that particular person as I couldn't find a post in the forums or see him/her online.
Lvl 25
Dokterlove: working on a report to moderator function!
Lvl 16

i mean when i delte a picture ill be sended to the frontpage instead of staying in that catogory where i deleted the pic
this takes to much time if there are more than 1 double pics in a section
Lvl 16
both are good suggestions :P

also: male/female for forumvisitors. I've noticed some ppl who have names (Hemi for instance ) with which I can't tell if they're male or female

I'm a male btw

I just noticed this feat is already implemented. I simply clicked someone who didn't fill it in (Monica...)
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 12
I think Hemi is a cute little 14year old girl
Lvl 19
Lvl 19
Me thinks Heidi is a pretender
Lvl 14
Lvl 12
1. Pic Of The Day?
2. Group filters, ie. possibility to leave out all those Kissing Girls pics from the weekly list (I know some of them are cute but I just don't have time to watch stuff I could see by going to the nearest club... Sry )
Lvl 22
next time u go to that club, let me know

i support the girl of the day feature
Lvl 16
I agree with Budokan .

I've actually had some ppl complaining about uploading kissing babes. To be honest I dislike that. there are actually ppl who like kissing girls. so I upload some (okay... so I have a stockpile of em, who cares?), but I also up some others (look at what I uploaded so far and you'll see..). personally I feel that if you don't like this or that kind of picture you can also just check the others and leave those you don't like. don't msg me personally, it wont help you one bit and will only agitate you as I love pissing ppl off
Lvl 16
meaby a counting device in the user profiles so you can see how many people watched you're profile
Lvl 16
meaby making it possible to have a small pic in you're signature too
i tryed to put this in my signature but it was not possible:

followed by sig

it certainly looks cool

Lvl 12
Suggestions I support:

1. More direct links to profile editing
2. Back To Index button
3. Report This Pic link (with quick radio buttons to report pro/double/other status)
4. Insertboxes to send PM's by name or ID number
5. Small pics in Signatures

New suggestions:

1. Option to NOT load Avatars
2. Option to NOT load Pictures in messages
3. Option to NOT load Pictures in Signatures
4. Possibility of file hashes? This would go a long way of eliminating double uploads.
Needs only be done once, querying a simple SQL db shouldn't take up too much CPU power. Ask for more details if you have to

That's it for now, more suggestions when I come up with some...
Now to upload some pics

Personal notes to people posting in this thread:

Sure I'll take you, if u happen to live anywhere around Tampere, Finland

Did you mean to agree with me? What about?
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
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