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Missing Features or Bugs?

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.5K
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Lvl 16
the club thing
shame I live in the Netherlands
Lvl 22
just- c: netherlands?

come on u can take a little boat and get there
i live in argentina (buh) i would have to take somethign like the biggest boat ever. (oh ok maybe a plane)

cobrian: nice suggestions
Lvl 16
Budokan: Finland isn't next door really... a rowingboat would prolly capsize in minutes and I don't know how to sail...
besides, I have women to please here! and you guys ofcourse
Lvl 16
messages written at photo's (like here: aren't seperated from the signature like you will see down here.
Lvl 12
To anyone wishing to visit Finland:

Most Europeans have the option of taking a ferry here. Direct ferries travel between Finland and Germany, Sweden or Estonia, that I know of. There might be more, and the three of those countries I mentioned are pretty easy to reach by most.

Finland isn't the cheapest of countries, but by no means the most expensive either. I'll be happy to show you around my home town of Tampere if you ever decide to make the trip. Also, if looking for hot, single women in Finland, few places beat the city of Jyväskylä. Thanks to the university having all sorts of humanist sciences there, the women are in excess over there. Have car, will travel.

More suggestions for features:

1. Last Picture Viewed. In non-registered/paid mode this would remember what pic you last viewed, so you could continue viewing the pics when you come back. Note that this feature wouldn't remember if you have skipped pics or not.

2. Pictures Viewed. This would have to be a paid for feature since it might take up some CPU power and/or storage space. This feature would remember all the pics you've viewed ever since you first became a paying member. Would remember if you've skipped pics or not. I'd pay for a membership if I got access to this feature.

3. More sorting options. I'd like to be able to sort Pictures Added This Week either by latest or oldest first.

4. Forum post preview option. Sometimes it just might be worthwhile to see just how hideous your post will look.

5. Better way of separating signatures from posts in Picture View. It just isn't cool to have the word Signature all over the place. A simple divider would do the job just fine. (I'm guessing this is what Just-C meant with his last post.)

Nothing more from me right now, but I'll get back to it as soon as I come up with more, and trust me, I will...

P.S. Diz-X, could you please, PLEASE give me the opportunity to go over some grammar/spelling errors in the site code with you, there's nothing super-urgent to fix but the grammar police in me has itchy fingers...
Lvl 12
OK, sorry ppl, but I came up with more suggestions...

- More Icons to replace text links in Forum, examples:
*Send Private Message
*Add To Buddylist
*New Topic

The could, and should, be made optional, as everyone probably doesn't want to burden their connections (and the bandwidth @ WBW) with such frivolous data.

Just my $ .02, feel free to criticize as always...
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 25
Cobrain: always nice to have suggestions..
Lvl 12
* lifts the cat to the table, once again * (Finnish proberb, never mind )

This one is a pretty high-priority one. Currently, it's a bit tricky to access
the profiles of users in your Buddy List. If you click their name in the BuddyList, you are requesting to send a message to them. But access to their favorites, uploads and forum post listings have to be done by finding a pic they've uploaded (granted, not very hard in most cases) and clicking their username there... Could an icon be created for access to the profile?

That is all *service announcement ends*

HEY! Just noticed something... When making a new reply, the confirmation page directs the user to his own post, but when moving from the confirmation page after editing, the user gets jumped to the first post in the thread... Is this a bug or a feature?

Edit: Grr... Spelling errors.
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
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