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Incorrect series linkage?

Starter: 3holein1 Posted: 2 years ago Views: 14.7K
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Lvl 17
Originally posted by BobGums
… that should not be linked

This particular type of activity I wrote about above appeared about three months ago.
I see certain regularities that allow me to guess that we are dealing with one person.
• Operations mainly from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. UTC. Sometimes from 4 p.m. UTC. Sometimes from eleven to three o'clock UTC. Less often from seven to nine UTC. — I think he's a resident of Central or Western Europe.
• Focus on photos published by agotsilac. Usually three women. Limited matchmaking of the other three women dropped off by johnkoval and callbert — I guess it's a human, not a machine.
• If I attach a photo that is already in a series, it will take up to a quarter of an hour to three hours to add subsequent photos that are already in the series — The irregularity in time and number makes me think that it is a person, not a machine. He looks young and horny to me.
• Several times, after the spaghetti was untangled by the administrators by deleting the series, behavior occurred in which he combed through the photos uploaded by agotsilac (I wrote above about focusing on easy prey) and linked hundreds of photos from the just deleted series. This behavior was never consistent and left holes, indicating a rush — IMHO eager for success.
BobGums finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by BobGums
Maybe linking should only be for those that have tagging privilege?

This seems like a reasonable solution. You could also give individual members linking privileges only.

It does look like linking is way out of control at this time.
* This post has been modified : 1 month ago
Lvl 41
Originally posted by funkykoval69
This particular type of activity I wrote about above appeared about three months ago.
I see certain regularities that allow me to guess that we are dealing with one person.
• Operations mainly from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. UTC. Sometimes from 4 p.m. UTC. Sometimes from eleven to three o'clock UTC. Less often from seven to nine UTC. — I think he's a resident of Central or Western Europe.
• Focus on photos published by agotsilac. Usually three women. Limited matchmaking of the other three women dropped off by johnkoval and callbert — I guess it's a human, not a machine.
• If I attach a photo that is already in a series, it will take up to a quarter of an hour to three hours to add subsequent photos that are already in the series — The irregularity in time and number makes me think that it is a person, not a machine. He looks young and horny to me.
• Several times, after the spaghetti was untangled by the administrators by deleting the series, behavior occurred in which he combed through the photos uploaded by agotsilac (I wrote above about focusing on easy prey) and linked hundreds of photos from the just deleted series. This behavior was never consistent and left holes, indicating a rush — IMHO eager for success.

There's always an acceptance by a mod needed and I suppose they can see who's requested the linking (but I'm afraid no real action will be taken)
Be careful with agotsilac he's posting a lot of mirrored pictures , I PM'ed a mod about it he would keep an eye on it but asked me not to send him every duplicated pic agotsilac mirrored and report them , but months later still no action was taken towards that guy and only this week I already reported more than 20 of his mirrored pictures that were already linked in a serie with the original one.... maybe he's linking them himself....

I stopped reporting wrong linkings because of the case in post #5427034 on page 15 of this thread , mod accepted again to combine series that were already separated twice and they wont take action again because it's time consuming (big series)
* This post has been modified : 1 month ago
funkykoval69 finds this awesome.
Lvl 65
I suggest a series should be limited to 100 pic's. If after the 100 limit is met and there are more pics of the same girl/woman a new series would be started. Example: 250 pic would then consisted of 3 series (series 1-100 pics, series 2- 100 pics, series 3- 50 pics)
I believe this would greatly reduce wrong pics added to a series and if they were added easier to pull out and fix.
Lvl 41
I suggest to take more care/time in accepting a pic in a serie...
this morning 22/07 at 07:17 there were 17 pictures accepted in the 17 different series
you can't accept 17 in 1 minute if you check if it's realy the same woman and check for duplicates....
* This post has been modified : 1 month ago
funkykoval69 finds this awesome.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by boobiemonster
I suggest to take more care/time in accepting a pic in a serie...
this morning 22/07 at 07:17 there were 17 pictures accepted in the 17 different series
you can't accept 17 in 1 minute if you check if it's realy the same woman and check for duplicates....

Depends on series. Sometimes it's just the same setting, with same clothes and just a different pose, making it easy to instantly accept it. Sometimes it's trickier (or it's a wrong link) and then it indeed takes more time.
I don't mod series anymore but I do remember this was already a problem back then :/
Lvl 78
"Woman A" has 50 images linked correctly together in a series.
"Woman B" has 600 images linked correctly together in a series.
"Woman C" only has one photo on the website but, at a glance, looks fairly similar to "Woman B"

Several scenarios can exist that cause problems, such as:

Scenario1 - Woman A and Woman B appear together in multiple photos. When this happens, and the photo is linked to both the Woman A series and the Woman B series. you end up with a huge series of images (in this example, 650 ) that for the most part, contain 2 different women (along with the 3-4 images of them together).

Scenario 2 - someone kindly links 50 images of Woman B together and tries to attach them to the already existing series of 600 images. They accidentally include the one image of Woman C. When a moderator quickly scans through these images to check they are all the same woman, it's easy to miss the one incorrect one, and as such, they all get linked together. Thankfully in this instance, it's an easy fix to remove one image from the series.

Scenario 3 - Woman A and Woman B look nothing like each other and do not appear in the same photos as each other. But, for some reason, some idiot has decided to link them together, and the moderator hasn't checked the images thoroughly enough to see the glaring error. He approves the link and the two series merge, causing a massive pain in the arse for the moderator who then tries to rectify the problem (which involves clicking into each "wrong" image (one at a time), removing them from the series (one at a time), and then linking those images together again into their own series (one at a time).

Also I can say that moderators who have access to the series queue don't get to see the name of the member that has put forward the suggested image link (I'm sure Diz can see that information should he need to, but it's not there on the page when a series is being approved/rejected).
* This post has been modified : 1 month ago
Lvl 17
Foreign agent appeared in series 161780.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 65
Originally posted by funkykoval69
agent appeared[/url] in 161780[/url].

The_Sentinel finds this awesome.

This set has multiple different ladies in it. I wouldn't even try to fix that mess, but I'd probably disband the series. Your call, mods
Lvl 17
Another successful attempt to clutter the series 161780. Please remove the below photos.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 55
sorry i got whole bunch from going through my series pics... hold on.. we're in for a bumpy ride

do what you can... just saying..thanks for all your hard work
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