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Incorrect series linkage?

Starter: 3holein1 Posted: 2 years ago Views: 15.6K
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Lvl 17
There are three different women in this serie:

Woman one:
Woman two:
Woman three:

The only thing they have in common is that they are all very pretty
Lvl 17
Another pre-emptive warning. But they still believe, based on behavior, that one person is causing repeated problems. Separate, please, photo 4416450 (uploaded by calbert) from candidates for the 319088 series. Last time (post#5427859) , a crazy linker led to over six thousand photos to be separated.
* This post has been modified : 6 months ago
fankymaloon finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
I'm sure photo 4416262 shouldn't be related to series 264171.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
In post #5432084 I warned. This was ignored. I'm raising the alert right now. If you leave photo 4416450 in series 319088, you will end up as it happened between April 14 and 17. Details of that mess can be found in post #5428506.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
One of the moderators approved adding photo 4416262 to the 264171 series despite my warning from post #5432085. Now I have to say that it should be disconnected.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
Randy newbie is amongst us. Or poorly trained neural nework. And the a moderator who quite nonchalantly accepts suggestions for links to the series.

And you still have to clean up after them. Today we need to remove photo 4438108 from the 319088 series.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 35
This image does not belong into this series:
Evicence: has a mark on the button, but not on her cheek, like the other two.
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 35
Not the same girl in this series:
The_Sentinel finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
Combining photo 4459733 with photo 4459820 should trigger your early warning system.

Photo 4459733should not be combined with photo 4459820 and the 319088 series.

Photo 4459733should be combined with photo 4449174 and the 264171 series.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by funkykoval69

…should not

I've been warning.
You have joined series series 319088 with 264171, destroying series series 319088 at the same time.

Series 264171 is for that woman.
Series 319088 was for this woman.

I wish you fruitful untangling.
Lvl 17
The next feat of the pasta tangle enthusiast is coming.

He connected the photo photo 4462480 with one of
photo 790399
photo 802203
photo 802521
photo 463215
photo 463614

The approval threatens to merge the 219431 and 295096 series, which depict two different women, into one.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by funkykoval69

connected the photo 4462480 with one of

I see that you have removed the photo in question. At the same time, I see that the same problem is with photography 4463032.
Lvl 17
Please unlink 4467506 from 4467557.
Lvl 17
A moment ago, someone dangerously linked 4469017 with photos that will be included in series 264171.

Photo 4469017 should be related to 4468924, i.e. the 295096 series.

For about a month or more I have been observing behavior that leads to the destabilization of the series. The characteristic behavior of this person right after unraveling the splicing I wrote about in post #5440214 makes me suspect that it may be a deliberate action and not stupidity.
These sets are about to be merged, they shouldn't be, it's 2 different ladies:
Lvl 17
Stupid full of greed continues to attack.
1. Please remove this shit from series 295096.
2. Please squeeze these two pimples 4477442 &
4477595 from series 264171.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by funkykoval69
Stupid full of greed continues to attack.

I keep seeing this user's behavior. In his stupid greed, he will not hesitate to cause damage.
Originally posted by funkykoval69

1. … 295096.
2. … 264171.

Lvl 71
Those two picture aren't the same person (moles don't match and not same body type)
BobGums finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by funkykoval69
… In his stupid greed, he will not hesitate to cause damage.

As you can see, we didn't have to wait long. If you go to photo 4480692, you will see that he has linked it to eighteen photos uploaded by Callbert, which poses a threat of creating spaghetti by combining the 217760 series with the 264171 series. List of bad links:

He's doing it for the third time! I have reported, the last two times, on posts #5427859 and #5432084.
BobGums finds this awesome.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by funkykoval69
As you can see, we didn't have to wait long. If you go to photo you will see that he has linked it to eighteen photos uploaded by Callbert, which poses a threat of creating spaghetti by combining the series[/url] with the series[/url]. List of bad links:
‣ doing it for the third time![/b] I have reported, the last two times, on posts #5427859 and #5432084.

Maybe linking should only be for those that have tagging privilege?

I agree, too many people linking photos that should not be linked
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