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Current "sponsor" prices

Starter: stevles Posted: 15 years ago Views: 4.4K
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Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros

Kanzen's point, with regard to the trials, is that it would allow - and actually encourage - people to cram as use of credits/downloads/system resources as possible in a very short period of time. It would likely cost the site much more money than it would bring in.

Exactly. Just like how Bangles does FTV, every once and a while he joins FTV for a month and downloads everything they have, catalogs it, and waits another year or so to do it again. This instance, he has already downloaded 147GB in one fell swoop.
Lvl 28
Bangles is a cool guy eh.

I think as far as what has been discussed here regarding trial memberships, the best idea so far is the small amount of money for a hundred or so credits. That's a pretty awesome idea.

There has also be a few other ideas rolling around, about how the credit/sponsor system works which I think are pretty interesting and can result in goodtimes for all.

Outside of the sass back and all that jazz, this is a pretty neat thread.
Lvl 24
I'll sass you, jerk.

Also, yeah the money for credits is pretty neat.

Also also, thanks Kanzen.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Bangles

Also also, thanks Kanzen.

You’re you’re welcome Bangles.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by blitzoid


A lot of people don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to computers or surfing the net. So ya your comment sucks ass IMO.
if my dumb ass can do it anyone can
Lvl 15
If i may throw in my opinion, i have a few things to say :

The pay per credit idea is a great one, as long as it isn't too much of a nightmare for the developpers.

The trial membership isn't a bad idea, as long as it includes a maximum number of credits OR a limited access to the premium features. For example, like some other paying sites do, they only let trial members view the newest content. Then, the WBW team could decide if they want to let these people view the last month added videos and pictures, or the last two weeks, or the last three months... up to them. This way, it would be impossible to download everything within a few days to join back in a year or so. This alternative isn't (as far as i know) very hard to code and could be useful for the site.

Finally, this site has probably the best ratio of what you pay/ what you get. If you want to compare to any other porn site, you will never get such a huge database for such a low price. Hell, 3 months to any paying website is worth a year over here. Now, if you add the fact that it barely has any ads on the site and it is very userfriendly-like, i can't give it anything but 5 stars.

PS : Thanks to the whole WBW crew for this site.
Lvl 12
I honestly think the $5 a month option would be trial enough. Pay the $5 get a month with 100 credits and download some movies but you will know in the back of your head that when you picked that option the next option up had absolutely no limits. Believe me, when they run out of those credits (and you know they will) they will be thinking about the unlimited option. If they can afford it they will get it.
Lvl 13
Wow. This thread didn't stop with my last post. So here I go again. Please pay attention this time.


Thank you, drive through.
Lvl 28
You guys have given us a lot of useful feedback.

Good thread.
Lvl 24
Man, I feel like this will sound lame since Honda already said it.

But this thread is exactly what we need.

Without feedback, we can't enter into discussions about how to make WBW better for you all.
So, if you have any ideas or comments about WBW, make a thread. Bump your thread. Get our attention, and get a discussion going.

It'll be worth it in the long run as WBW will get better.

WBW gets better because you all make it better.
Lvl 22
For Sale

Credits: 23.90

I don't use them, perhaps someone would?
Lvl 6
I like the idea of buying credits. I would love to buy a yearly membership, but times are tough. SIDE BAR-- WBW Crew. you guys are doing a great job. and when times turn around I will be all over the membership. there is my 2 cents worth
Lvl 7
Heh, I'm truly amazed how good this thread turned out to be.
I'm just glad that I could be of assistance in getting everyone to give out their ideas to achieve optional pricing structures to benefit both the WBW crew and its community.
So far I'm amazed at how fast-to-act and friendly the WBW mods are!
I've decided to permanently start uploading content every day as a way of thanking the WBW community for their input!
Lvl 16
Other sites: pop ups, spam sent to e-mail, viruses attached to spam in e-mails, no interaction with other "art" lovers
WBW is well worth it. I am on my second year membership and though its a big nut right before the holidaze I will be treating myself to another year. I do not need to download anything so my wife doesn't come across anything and thats a plus for those with kids. I also do not store anything on my computer so this is the next best thing. This is pretty much the only site I visit, I love the Favorites feature and though it is available as a free member it's nice to have ownership. The forum is cool too because it spans more than just porn. So DIG DEEP FOLKS hey it's only once a year and YOU are responsible for renewing it. Another plus. I had to fight like hell once to stop re-occuring charges to another site and my wife had the same problem with a game site. Also ya gotta love these emotocoms! I wish FB had them. If you don't like WBW KMA
'Nuff said, back to trolling for redheads, I'm up to April 2004!
Lvl 10

Well said, Comrade.
Lvl 13
everyone should just look at the poll numbers in post #1 of this thread. stop whining in the forum if you don't like the price and vote with your pocketbooks. that is the only way there would be any hope of the prices dropping.
Lvl 4
I've been around for quite some years now and I've also been part of other "amateur porn" community. I've never seen people as dedicated as the mods/admins on WBW.

Its quite a job they took and I douple thumbs up their work.
The idea of buying credit is quite a good one I agree.
But how could you bring a decend ratio of $ for credit? 4 credits = $1US? Turn out 25¢ for a credit. Is it profitable? It will probably bring up the traffic!
Lvl 7
Originally posted by fredg222

everyone should just look at the poll numbers in post #1 of this thread. stop whining in the forum if you don't like the price and vote with your pocketbooks. that is the only way there would be any hope of the prices dropping.

Dude that is not what this thread is about. I added that just as an idea of whether or not people felt the same way.
It was not intended for the mods to read the results and go "OH MY GOD WE NEED TO LOWER THE PRICES RIGHT NOW".
It was more of a suggestion to whether or not alternative prices/pricing options need to be implemented for everyone to be happy.
If you aren't willing to read and fully understand what this thread actually contains, then please don't bother commenting.
Lvl 4
Like Kanzen explained, there's no point in dropping the price. The only result to this would be making the site worst!

Let me explain it an eazy way.

If you buy a cheap tire, it wont last as long as if you were buying an High end tire.

I can draw it also if you want

Keep the price the way they are.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by stevles


Dude that is not what this thread is about. I added that just as an idea of whether or not people felt the same way.
It was not intended for the mods to read the results and go "OH MY GOD WE NEED TO LOWER THE PRICES RIGHT NOW".
It was more of a suggestion to whether or not alternative prices/pricing options need to be implemented for everyone to be happy.
If you aren't willing to read and fully understand what this thread actually contains, then please don't bother commenting.

I think he was more so saying that the only way to get the prices to drop, is for more people to support the site. Which is true to be honest, more sponsors...over time = price drop.

Which is why this thread has been so awesome. If the tiered system could be implemented easily, sponsorship could rise which equals goodtimes for all.

At least that's what this chap got.
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