Originally posted by Kanzen
I'll level with you guys about the prices.
Yes, they have gone up, but none of the money from the increase has gone into our pockets. The cost of operation has increased significantly, and well a considerable amount of the staff was let go just so we could continue to operate. It isn't always pretty, it isn't always fair, and we are trying our best to try to get our recent - and quite steady - decline of sponsor membership to come to an end. We have tried using ads to help negate some of the costs of operations, but too many people have used ad-blockers to make them viable.
Consider the fact that colocation requires an excessive amount of resources. For a similarly spec'd machine that WBW uses, it would cost $428.91 a month. Now multiply that by 8, and that is the cost of just hosting our servers. Then add another almost $626.13 for the database. That alone brings us to $4057.41 a month without an internet connection; to continue to push as much data as we do, we have a 1Gbps symmetrical line, that costs $1387.80 a month. And that as at an enormous discount from what is offered over here in the USA which a 20Mbps symmetrical line starts around $1525.
So to complain about $6.47 for a month seems kinda trivial to the cost of $5445.21 that we spend a month just to host the site. That isn't even factoring in the fact that office space costs, utilities, communication, and just basic supplies add another $1200 to the cost. Not to mention the cost of affording the people that have dedicated their time to working on the site.
Right now we can just barely afford the hosting.
So to complain about something like that when you get access to probably one of the largest data stores of pornography on the entire net just seems kind of petty. I can't think of any other site that offers you over a million pictures, and over 48,000 videos.
That sounds fair and reasonable. Just one thing you mentioned that may be go "huh?".
"we are trying our best to try to get our recent - and quite steady - decline of sponsor membership to come to an end."
Okay, I understand that you are trying to battle a decline of sponsorship members. That would worry me too given the same situation. The thing that struck me as rather strange is.. Wouldn't you lower the prices so that it is more affordable and more people will jump on the band wagon? If the sponsorship numbers were declining, raising the price would just decrease the total number of sponsors even further.. Even if you were offering $60usd a year instead of the current $78 (a measly $18 discount) it still looks so much more appealing than the current price.
Originally posted by CIZZO
I'm not saying your prices are not reasonable, but one thing that might help is adding a few more options. I cannot afford $78 a year or even $17 for a month (even though I do agree that it's pretty cheap). I'm thinking an affordable price would be around $5/mo that could buy us a given number of credits for movies priced according to the amount of bandwidth the movies take. I feel like there are many other individuals in my position that, although are very interested in the movies, we can't afford these prices but would be completely willing to pay around $5 for access based on credits. This option could not only draw in customers who can't afford the full priced service, but alleviate some of the cost of bandwidth. Another idea would be to charge for x amount of credits, instead of a month-by-month charge.
I also feel that this is a very viable option instead of lowering total prices, offering different payment methods, such as buying credits to spend freely on whatever you want to.
This would surely raise your funds given that it was done the right way.
I don't mean to tell you how to run your business, and I am sorry to hear about the trouble you are having with cost management. I just like to offer my opinion and alternatives for pricing.
Thanks for listening!