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Tribute to the Women of WBW!!

Starter: Morgadeth Posted: 16 years ago Views: 16.0K
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Lvl 13
So, there are so many people here who love to look at the "women of WBW"..

Those girls get a lot of "gimme gimme gimme" requests, and put up with a lot of shit.
I thought it would be cool to take some of the "real girls" who've been around a while and share so much, and give them an artistic tribute thread.

My idea is simple: Take an image (or images) and use it to inspire. I suggest avoiding doctoring the photos to show more skin than the original poster would. Just seems kinda rude, in my opinion.

Who knows what kind of stuff could be done?

I'm hoping some of the women see these, and maybe appreciate the attempts. I also hope I won't be the only one to post!
Lvl 13
Here's my first tribute..
Anyone who's been around should know who these two images are supposed to represent. I just joined them for more content. I'll leave it for you to figure out...

Lvl 24
has to be HBFactor?
Lvl 59
My guess is Coley Moley.

Remember her?
Lvl 28
This is for the hottest, funniest..and coolest girl WBW has ever had...

Shame she can't hang.
Lvl 24
@ honda - fuck yourself

i can bang bitch. see picture for verification.

* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 24
HB is so hot, i just want to eat her up :P
Lvl 20
She's a stunner, for sure!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

@ honda - fuck yourself

i can bang bitch. see picture for verification.

Lvl 13
Originally posted by Orion2k

HBfactor.... I have to say is absolutely in the TOP 5 of WBW women!

I totally agree!!!
Lvl 13
The first girl is HB.. But no one recognizes the second one?

Hint: She's "small"
Hint: These pics are based on actual photos found here

She's relatively new to the site, in comparison to the other girls..
Lvl 9
could it be a Tina? haha
Lvl 59
Since nobody else thinks it's ColeyMoley, I'll change my vote.


Lvl 25
Originally posted by Morgadeth

The first girl is HB.. But no one recognizes the second one?

Hint: She's "small"
Hint: These pics are based on actual photos found here

She's relatively new to the site, in comparison to the other girls..

Lvl 9
you guys are both blind.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ItsaPinkMoon

you guys are both blind.

is it you?
Lvl 9
haha I wouldn't be commenting if it were me... then I'd just feel like an attention whore... and they're never any good. haha
Lvl 25
your pictures are awesome. In fact, you are the best girl we've ever had post here with the words "pink" and "moon" in their name
Lvl 59
Lvl 10
yayy - this thread is kool - just noticed it
and the second pic was me

only pinkmoon figured it out hey
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