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The Great Outdoors: Updated 6 Sep 2009, first post has link to newest post

Starter: DaveWa Posted: 16 years ago Views: 32.6K
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Lvl 6
Nothing like the beauty of a stunning woman and the beauty of a stunning vista combined. My girl & I just went through these again DW and she is pushing me to try and get some of her like these on our next hike! I'll probably never get any as well done as these, but oh the fun we're going to have trying! Thank you again for all your efforts. Keep it up!
Lvl 11
Originally posted by adb

Nothing like the beauty of a stunning woman and the beauty of a stunning vista combined. My girl & I just went through these again DW and she is pushing me to try and get some of her like these on our next hike! I'll probably never get any as well done as these, but oh the fun we're going to have trying! Thank you again for all your efforts. Keep it up!

Thanks, I'm glad that you like the photos. If I could give some hints for photographing your girl?

1. As much as she may not like it, she should not be the center of focus. The scenery and her should compliment each other.

2. DO NOT put her in the center of the frame. Your girl should be framed in the thirds. Here's a link to one of many pages on the Rule of Thirds. Search on "Rule of Thirds" to get a lot more hits. Learn this rule, it will improve your photographs tremendously.

3. For some shots at least, have your girl looking at the scenery, it's an effective method of directing the viewer's focus and flow.

4. Take LOTS and LOTS of photographs. Then when you think you've taken enough, take some more. Seriously, try re-framing the shot, move the camera so that she moves from the left to the right of the frame, zoom in, zoom out, change where you are relative to your girl and the background, go for the unusual angle. It's digital, just keep shooting. And don't delete any of them in the field, you never know when that shot that looked lousy on the puny camera screen will look great on a full sized screen.


Good luck, have fun.
Lvl 11
great thread, thanks
Lvl 13
Great updates!
Lvl 11
With summer here I was hoping that these pics would pick up, so far still having problems finding the ones that exemplify this topic.

Southernboy10 finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Southernboy10 finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Lvl 10
Very nice, especially #105 !!
Lvl 7
Gorgeous girls
Lvl 11
Originally posted by greg_greece

Very nice, especially #105 !!

Thanks greg_greece, yeah, 105 is pretty good. I almost didn't include it because it's a smaller image than I usually post, but the quality of the photograph got to me.

I'm thinking that I'm going to have to get my camera and hire a model to go get some photographs. Big problem with that is I've never photographed nudes, and it's a completely different form of photography than I normally do.
Lvl 26
Really great thread!!!
Lvl 11
Update time for this thread

So this is an OK picture. The highlights are blown out, there's too much contrast in the sun/shadow, and if you're going to shoot with a waterfall, learn how to expose it to show flow. A little fill flash or bounce light would have done wonders for this shot.

Nice tits though...

Lvl 11
Better, got some flow in the waterfall, nothing's blown out, and there's a good range of contrast without being too contrasting. Only problem is that it's a little too artsy for my tastes.

Lvl 11
I like this one, nice and simple, and sexy.

Lvl 11
Two of my favorite things... tits.

Lvl 11
Lvl 11
I don't know, whatdayathink? kinda manish???

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