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The Great Outdoors: Updated 6 Sep 2009, first post has link to newest post

Starter: DaveWa Posted: 16 years ago Views: 32.6K
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Lvl 11
Updates start with post 115.

I love being outside, I love hiking, camping, and I love big expansive images showing the mountains and rugged terrain. The kind of backgrounds John Ford would put his actors in.

I also love naked girls.

So, like Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, I've combined two great things that look great together. It's taken a while to get together enough of these photos to start a thread, and I hope that I can keep it going for a while. I'm going for images where the girl is not necessarily the central object, but is part of the scene.

Having said that, I know that this first photo doesn't fit that description. I used it for my first photo in this thread because it's a grabber that's going to get your attention.

* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
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By the way, girls who hike have the best asses. I recommend being a gentleman and letting them go ahead of you on the trail.

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Not sure why the photographer copied and put this image beside itself, it kinda works, but a little more blending would have really improved this image. OK, a lot more blending...

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If I get time later I might come back and get rid of the power lines...

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Yeah, I love tits, especially nice perky ones like this.

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This is the type of image I'm trying to use in this thread, haven't found many good sources yet...

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Lvl 16
Great thread Dave... "You've got scenery with naked girls"... "No, you've got naked girls with scenery"...
Lvl 11
I love this shot,

Lvl 11
Originally posted by Wilson2006

Great thread Dave... "You've got scenery with naked girls"... "No, you've got naked girls with scenery"...

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