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The Great Outdoors: Updated 6 Sep 2009, first post has link to newest post

Starter: DaveWa Posted: 16 years ago Views: 32.6K
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Lvl 11
Last one for now, I'll update as I get enough to make it worth it.

Lvl 11
A few updates...

Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Southernboy10 finds this awesome.
Lvl 7
Super set Dave, many thanks, but:

"Not sure why the photographer copied and put this image beside itself, it kinda works, but a little more blending would have really improved this image. OK, a lot more blending..."

Those are two subtly different images forming a stereoscopic pair I think. Trying crossing your eyes, magic-eye style, and you get 3D effect. Not a great one, admittedly, but I think this is the intent.
Lvl 12
Really nice pics and a a great compilation
Lvl 17
Nice idea, nothing like a bit of al fresco fun
Lvl 18
I'll add a few to this one. I like cool backgrounds too. These are all the same girl, she's a good friend of mine.

Southernboy10 finds this awesome.
Lvl 18
These are my favorites. The wave look is just too cool.

Southernboy10 finds this awesome.
Lvl 16
Once again Dave... Nature has never looked so grand... Thx...
Lvl 22
thanks, dave. great pics.

@swiss...welcome back. love the pic @ white sands, NM. that's such a cool place.

Lvl 7
Lvl 7
the girl in post 24 is hot !
Lvl 21
The first photo is all I need to know about the outdoors!
Lvl 13
Originally posted by DaveWa

Not sure why the photographer copied and put this image beside itself, it kinda works, but a little more blending would have really improved this image. OK, a lot more blending...

[ Image ]

It's 3D. cross your eyes till you only see 1 image.
Lvl 13
Very hot love the outdoor pics!
Lvl 11
Great Additions, thanks. Posting a few more today.
Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Lvl 11
Southernboy10 finds this awesome.
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