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girls washing their hair (updated pg49 - 08/23)

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 109.7K
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here's another set of the blonde from a couple pages back... but this time, she's back in life-size glory

and she brought a friend

Lvl 17
Well thank you. We missed the updates. Keep posting please....
Lvl 7
Sweet post thanks guys
Lvl 13
Very nice love the update
Lvl 26
nice, shonne

been busy and finds have been slow but I think I might have enough new stuff to post again soon.

and a little assortment of other random finds:

Lvl 7
Very Hot
Lvl 27
ahhh... bargle is still with us!!!! thx updating buddy!!
Lvl 17
More picts please you have great taste.
all out for now will update when I've found more!

if anyone here has some (or feels like taking some, for the ladies or couples out there ) please contribute!
Lvl 27
think i've to have a search...
Great pics
Lvl 24
T H A N K S, B L A R G L E !
'Good work...with delightful results...

more coming soon, for those of you enjoying the thread! (finally)
Lvl 13
Can't wait to see what you bring out next!
Lvl 37
When I first clicked on this thread, I thought "what a weird idea for a thread"... But I am loving the results! Keep it up!
Originally posted by RogueLeader

When I first clicked on this thread, I thought "what a weird idea for a thread"... But I am loving the results! Keep it up!

that's about what I expected the response to be when I started it... ended up pleasantly surprised

here's some new stuff! a random collection:

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