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girls washing their hair (updated pg49 - 08/23)

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 110.0K
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hi, long time lurker, first time contributor ...

i've always been turned on by girls washing their hair. not sure why (though wet nakedness probably doesn't hurt), but I have a feeling anyone who's had their girl drop and start giving a bj while you're washing her hair might find it enjoyable too. thought i'd share a few of the better pics i've collected... feel free to add your own if you have any!
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 27
outstanding! good n00b! **
Lvl 21
Cool Idea for a thread!! Great Job.
Lvl 30
first set, girl 3, is HOT!!!
Lvl 27
ok. had a quick search...

i hope knacki is ok me not posting them in his shower thread!

Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
last one i found...
Lvl 11
I love getting some shampoontang!
nice additions
more from one of the pics you found:
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