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girls washing their hair (updated pg49 - 08/23)

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 110.0K
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and let's not forget a couple great shots of NorthernBoy's wife over in his thread:

Lvl 27
still washing... gr8 buddy!
Lvl 18
nice tread keep up the good work
here's a brand new one for anyone still keeping track:


Lvl 27
i'm feelin such WET today! :-)
Lvl 5
This makes me want to go find another girl to go take a shower with...very nice!
Originally posted by MsWWarrior234

This makes me want to go find another girl to go take a shower with...very nice!

just make sure you have a camera handy when you find her
Lvl 8
love this thread!
Wow, this really is a great thread idea, I love it!! Great job guys!
Lvl 10
Great thread.Thenks. Here is a friend
Lvl 10
here hopefully is attachment
thanks for sharing, cyrus

glad to hear others are enjoying too! just wish i could find new stuff more easily
er, wait a minute, I did find a couple new shots with that last set that I completely forgot about... here you go


one fresh amateur find, if you don't mind some pixels (and a little overgrown armpit hair at the end :x )

Lvl 24
There's some exceptionally fine forms in there...'very enjoyable thread, indeed.
Thanks for the show.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by blargle

I guess I have to ask, is there anyone else out there who likes a soapy head of hair on a woman? never have really known if this is a common thing or not.

at least i know my wife loves it

I do like...
Is there any pic of your wife?
I was really skeptical at first because I've never been a fan of shower pics...they're just so boring. But for some reason this adds a whole new dimension to it. LOVE IT!
Originally posted by blazingglory

I was really skeptical at first because I've never been a fan of shower pics...they're just so boring. But for some reason this adds a whole new dimension to it. LOVE IT!

Glad you enjoy!

I always feel a little weird about having this as a fetish but coming out and sharing it, then getting positive feedback and even the contributions from some gorgeous wbw ladies... makes me much more comfortable about it, and in turn I can enjoy it a little more instead of being weirded out or self-conscious about it

So thanks for that wbw hope to find more to share soon... as always, feel free to add your own contributions if you have any!
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