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girls washing their hair (updated pg49 - 08/23)

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 109.7K
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i found a couple yahoo groups last night dedicated to this subject, and with them come new pictures! i especially love the brunette in the first 3

Lvl 12
I love Kelly Monaco!
glad you like!

here's a quick survey for you all to ponder while you browse, i tried asking a bit before but buried it with my own posting :P

does anyone else here also happen to get turned on watching a girl wash up or washing her hair for her if you're lucky enough to have the chance? ever had sex or fooled around while washing your partner's hair or getting yours washed? more importantly, have you considered it after this thread? (ps it's fun!) and i'm still curious what some of the WBW girls think of this thread and the subject matter - is it a turn-on or does it just remind you of an annoying daily chore? :P

i ask not to be creepy or obsessive (but after 20 pages of girls+shampoo i'm not sure i can avoid that anyway!), but i'm genuinely curious how many people share this little fetish. i've already been pleasantly surprised by the reaction to this thread, so maybe it's more widely appreciated than i realized

and if you don't like questions, here's some more pics :P
back to some real amateurs...

and don't forget to comment and/or post any soapy-haired ladies you may have in your collections
I like #187-#190 !
Lvl 12
Originally posted by blargle

AWESOME. I love those ones! Thanks for the share.
Lvl 27
btw: you know that i'm still watching this thread?

so... go on posting buddy!
i'll see what I can find or dig out of my hard drive
Lvl 8
Originally posted by blargle

i'll see what I can find or dig out of my hard drive

thanks for posting! great work.

here's one that I just found in a set I've had for weeks, plus a couple of her normal shots:

starting to dry up on new shots... the more you find, the harder it is to find new stuff still have a few more on reserve i'll try to get up soon, though
and lesson learned, the second i say i'm running out, i find something like... this!



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