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Pictures of meeee. :) & a video!

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 14 years ago Views: 111.2K
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Lvl 19
Thanks for the video, the pics are great but this is just the cherry on top. Hope you continue to share.
Lvl 30
Thks for the vid
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Maxbercaboy

Haha, Hilarious video's I must say.... If the tellytubbies dressed like that I think the beeb might get in some trouble to be honest, although the show might be less tedious... but I'm especially loving the way you go from talking 'random crap' (love the accent incidentally) and doing 'nothing', to the complete silence and non youtube friendly action of the second vid... not sure which i prefer :p...
AS IF! haha!

Haha! Maybe one of the adult channels will start a kinkytubbies!

A lot of my naughty videos are silent, coz I rarely ever make noises when I play with myself, and when I fake it I sound like a cow giving birth.
I only really make noises when I'm drunk.

Same with my face, I don't like showing my face on videos anyway coz I think it's ugly, so if people see my face it'll put them off and the video will be shit. But I can't do those 'orgasm faces' either, and it's really hard to fake and I feel like a right prat so I refuse to fake it, lol!
I've been a camgirl for about 6 years now, and lost A LOT of customers/money where when they ask to see my face as I fuck myelf, I'm just sat there staring into space/looking bored, lol!
But I'm not going to start faking something just for a bit of extra money, if people don't like that my facial expression rarely ever changes, they can go fuck themselves and see if there's changes, and if it does, look in the mirror.

Wow hello essay.
Lvl 26
I really like your video,it is sooo good!!!I hope you will keep posting pix and more videos!!!
Lvl 22
Originally posted by AngelicTease

I have lots of england stuff, but not a football, hmm. Been buying it to prove I'm british on another site, haha.
I really hate football though, so I don't think I could waste my money on a football, lol, even if it was for pictures!

Thankies though, for the idea. xx

Ok then, the Olympics are coming to GBR, how about poses in various states of undress whilst, (pretend) running, jumping, gymnastics (the splits ) boxing (topless-oily/sweaty/grimy) basketball (for the USA fans), culminating in you on a podium looking proud, naked with a GOLD medal around your neck.
Lvl 6
Love your avy
Lvl 13
You are a good looking girl.. Don't let any assholes get you down!
Thanks for sharing, by the way. Great pics, and I loved the video.

Suggestion: You should try a "happy" face in some of your pics. You always look so somber! Crack a smile, girl!
I know that you know that we know you like turning us on.. Enjoy it! You know how to tease the masses in your pics, now make em squirm!
Lvl 6
Like I've said lots, I never smile, just coz I don't smile doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.
The reason the first pictures I posted are faceless are from someone else saying I looked grumpy or whatever.
Comments like that will make me cut my head out more often. I hate my face as it is, and it really hurts to have people making comments like that when I do eventually feel brave enough to show it.

If I never post my face here again, people wont be able to insult me anymore. It's better for people to insult what they CAN'T see, than complain about what they can see and shatter what little confidence I have.

If someones ugly, 'cracking a smile' wont make them anymore good looking.

Just found out as well that someone has stolen my pictures and put them on other sites, so in future as well as pictures being headless, they'll be watermarked again, sorry nice people.

It's better than just quitting again though right?
Surely headless watermarked pictures are better than NO pictures?
And if you don't agree, well there's loads of super hot girls on here, go look at them instead, instead of looking at something you don't like and moaning about it.
Lvl 13
I'm sorry if you thought I was insulting you; quite the opposite. I think you're quite attractive. I'd love to see more!

But; if people are thieving your pics and spreading them around without your permission, then do what you must. No one should take advantage of your generosity and vulnerability.. Shame on them!

I applaud you for overcoming your insecurities to please the masses. Very brave of you, and we are truly thankful!
Lvl 5
Wow I dont know how I never saw you on here. You are simple amazing... I dont know why you think you dont have a prety face. I think it is very beautiful. I honestly would love to see way more of it. Well, you got my attention, I'm going to have to keep coming back for more and more.
Lvl 6
I didn't watermark them when I came back coz I didn't think someone would steal MY pictures, so I guess it's nice that someone thinks there steal worthy! But, I don't want my pictures ending up in random places, at least if there watermarked there's less chance of that. And I'll try not to overtake the picture with it, haha.
Lvl 18
It's a real shame you're so hard on yourself. I always sense a lot of sadness and self hatred in your posts. There's way more guys saying great things about you than people saying negative stuff but you seem to focus on the negative because you agree with it. I realize that's just the way you're wired and not something you can easily control but here's a thought. Copy and paste all the most flattering comments you get from this site and elsewhere into one long ass text file (nothing negative) and the next time you're feelin down about your face or another body part or someone saying something negative just read the file you made with all the good stuff and remind yourself that the vast majority of the world doesn't see you the way you see yourself or the way the few negative people see you.

Anyway didn't mean to write so much just wanted to throw that out there. Good to see ya around again.
Lvl 13
I agree, I don't mind ignoring a watermark if I still get to see your wonderful figure. I hate that you're going to crop them again but I understand. You're great and even if you don't want to smile, it's all good as long as you know you are MAKING us smile with every pic. Thanks!!
Lvl 8
very nice. Hope you're having more fun here second time around.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by J-Swiss

It's a real shame you're so hard on yourself. I always sense a lot of sadness and self hatred in your posts. There's way more guys saying great things about you than people saying negative stuff but you seem to focus on the negative because you agree with it. I realize that's just the way you're wired and not something you can easily control but here's a thought. Copy and paste all the most flattering comments you get from this site and elsewhere into one long ass text file (nothing negative) and the next time you're feelin down about your face or another body part or someone saying something negative just read the file you made with all the good stuff and remind yourself that the vast majority of the world doesn't see you the way you see yourself or the way the few negative people see you.

Anyway didn't mean to write so much just wanted to throw that out there. Good to see ya around again.

Thanks for the idea, it's a good idea, BUT, that would take aggess and I'm quite lazy lol! And when I see negative stuff I usually just cry so can't really read much anyway.

I know most the comments arn't even meant in a bad way, but it just feels bad to me, lol. I know I should probably just quit teasing online, coz I obviously have too many issues for it, but I like it damnit, and I don't get upset ALL the time, just sometimes! So ner. :P
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Huushawdadi

very nice. Hope you're having more fun here second time around.

I had fun the first time round, I don't think I got any bad comments the first time... not that I can remember anyway! But then someone commented saying I was too pale(duh I'm british, we rarely ever get sun!), I'm too skinny(I actually think I have too many wobbly bits) and something else, and for some reason it just upset me A LOT so I asked someone to delete my 3 topics. Tried hard to not come on anymore, but on another site people kept asking where I was and telling me to come back(are any of those people here?!) so I thought I'd try give it another go. This time I seem to have gotten more negative stuff, than the first time, but maybe I'm just weaker this time so things are getting to me a lot more.
Although I think I'm doing quite well, I haven't asked for this to be removed yet, and I've got upset about at least 3 different posts!

I wish I could ask for this one to be removed though, and start again... again, haha, but I'm not THAT much of a pain in the butt, . And there's no point coz I'd probably still get comments on a new one, and still reply with stuff that makes me sound like a pysco bitch.

At least I've linked to all the pics in the first post, so no one has to go through the whole thread unless they're super bored.

Oops another essay, I only came online to google drinking water, coz I drank a load and my tummy has doubled in size!!! I have a huge bush and wanted to do hairy bush pics then shaving pics, but I can't whilst I look like a whale, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I don't even look like a well proportioned whale!!! It's just my belly that is huge.
Lvl 5
Oh come on now, you are so beautiful. There is no way you would look like a whale. So you have a hairy bush now huh, that could be very interesting to see. I like you shaven, but sometimes a change can be a good thing to see.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by AngelicTease


Oops another essay, I only came online to google drinking water, coz I drank a load and my tummy has doubled in size!!! I have a huge bush and wanted to do hairy bush pics then shaving pics, but I can't whilst I look like a whale, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I don't even look like a well proportioned whale!!! It's just my belly that is huge.

HAHA.. I suffer from the same thing sometimes (water overfill, not megabush :P)
Sometimes, I just can't help but drink and drink and drink.. Then I feel like a water balloon for a few hours!

Water's so good, dammit! XD

Can't wait for the shaving pics!
Lvl 6
YAY I finally got some new pictures today!

See all 21 pictures here:
Lvl 13
that set is absolutely stunning! good thing im home, i couldn't walk around work like this!
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