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Pictures from my sets

Starter: coleymoley84 Posted: 19 years ago Views: 26.7K
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Lvl 23
Beer for the lady? (beer)
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
jezus that's a lot of smilies!!!

For the record: I vote "yay" for sweatpants, and "nay" for implants.

Hot natural bods don't deserve to be ruined by silicone!!! Too many awesome chix think that they need 'bigger' when what they have is far 'better'.

Case in point...
Lvl 11
You guys all hav2 stop telling her how wrong her surgical decision is, I mean, do u know how lucky u r that she even bothers talking to any of u? yet u doubt her proven authenticy and tell her what a bad idea it is to get implants, she mentioned that much earlier, just after she joined and the criticism began, ur not changing her mind and she'd be an idiot to let u, giv it up.

Awesome pics CM, ur building a huge fan base
Lvl 25
And who are you again?
Lvl 22
No one said she was wrong.
We were only letting her know she is beautiful as is.
No need for extra things.
Lvl 11
ok, i was a little harsh, im sorry, but thats gotta be bothersome. who would wanto annoy her? we hav a great thing going on here, awesome pics, all of them
Lvl 13
hmm... why not..
Lvl 34
damm u look very sweet and hot
Lvl 18
he coley ever been to holland (K)
Lvl 11
damn! hot stuff! and i know ultimately we can't change ur mind bout those implants, but ur perfect as it is already! and about ur break up, fuck, you could pick any fool you want in this world!
Lvl 27
she hasn't been here for a while, I doubt if she comes back....
Lvl 22
Lvl 27
her pics are really hot. but the bad thing is we will never see any more skin as long as she has that pay-site.
Lvl 27
Thanks Waste! (beer)
Lvl 12
I really enjoyed all your pics Coley. you are quite ravashing. I love tall girls especially the ones with long legs that you can wrap around your head. Your website looks very good, kudos to your designer. I agree sweatpants are very hot on cute girls, may I suggest flip flops. Nothing like seeing a beautiful girl in a frilly skirt and flip flops a la natural. If you go through with the enhancements research plenty of surgeons for best results. I've seen some girls end up with some pretty bad results. Oh yeah and whatever you do dont get them thru the nips, get them thru inserted thru the underarms or navel. I look foward to seeing more of ya.
Lvl 17
Dont get fakes. You have a beautiful body as it is. Gain a few pounds and you will look just as beautiful and your boobs will grow too at least based on your old pics. Maybe in 15 years when gravity takes its toll consider getting implants. But for now if it aint broke it aint need fixin. (ancient chinese proverb)
Lvl 2
and this one is back up......hmmm

I'm getting implants. I'm not going to gain weight because I think I'm at a really good weight now...could even tone up a few areas. When I was trying on bras for my photo shoots I noticed that my boobs have gotten insanely smaller. I used to fit in a large I can wear a B!!!! They pop out and everything, but they still fit!@!! I could not believe it.

I like my boobs the way they are now, but I'm not liking the effects that gravity has had on it so....implants for sure...mainly a lift with a small implant to keep them up there longer.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by coleymoley84

I like my boobs the way they are now, but I'm not liking the effects that gravity has had on it so....implants for sure...mainly a lift with a small implant to keep them up there longer.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

if you have money to waste go ahead. but not all men like large D, some prefer B.
and you can still get your implants when gravity shows it´s effects, but this will not be within the next years i guess.

anyway it´s your body and you are great the one way or the other.
Lvl 15
Hey Coley. It's true Your beautiful as you can tell by all the positive posts from this thread. and implants or not won't change what i find most intriguing about you which is your Ass, j/k it’s your personality. Not many women with your good looks would take the time to stop by and talk with their fans like you do. Your truly a piece of work and if I saw you out in public I’d have to steal a kiss. BTW I found a pic of you which I think sums up your personality where your cross eyed and sticking your tongue out sideways. Could you post it for us?
Lvl 2
well they have this one....which is from 2-3 years ago
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