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Pictures from my sets

Starter: coleymoley84 Posted: 19 years ago Views: 26.7K
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Lvl 15
Hey will1000, say this tongue twister out loud five times as fast as you can:

Lvl 2
If you're implying I'm fake (......mmk), you're a fool. I've already posted a sign pic. *sigh* With every post, should I include my sign pic or what?

Ok.....I am SUPPOSED to take pictures tonight with my crappy digital camera. I don't know how that will go because it's such a hassle to have to get primped up to take pictures. But I really need means a sign picture for MrH and Waste. You have a request of how I should take my pics? lol...SWEATPANTS! I won't be in sweatpants though. I'll save that set for my photographer to take.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 22

Lvl 12
wow coley you are gorgeous....and these request in sweatpants...i guess i could see that to see you in anything would be great

and man you are such a tease
Lvl 12

Can you please throw Waste a bone and atleast give him one picture in SWEATPANTS? All this begging is ruining his reputation!!!
Lvl 12
coley, let me ask you a question. how does it feel to know that every day, there are hundreds of thousands of teenage and adult males masturbating to the image of you on their computer screens? i dont know about you, but that would scare the bejesus out of me.

but maybe thats on acount of me having a penis and all....
Lvl 15
Coleymoley why are you posting pics of yourself when you have your own site? Not to complain or something (you look damn good) but WHY?
Lvl 15
why ask why... shut up and enjoy!
Lvl 12
he is talking about you boobies being fake. I still dont understand why girls think they have to have the biggest boobs.

Please no sweatpants...i repeat PLEASE NO SWEATPANTS. how about a see-thru top and undies, that's what boys want. If I want to see sweatpants i will go to a gym.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by jbecause

why ask why... shut up and enjoy!

I concur!!!! Look at the pics, get wood, take care of business and take a nap!!
Lvl 11
You know how in old zombie movies how all the zombies would walk around just saying "brains" all the time, well thats kinda what Waste reminds me of in the thread just with sweatpants.

P.S. great thread
Lvl 29
P.S. No booby seeing until I get my falsies..

Nobody really likes implants. We want to see them in their natural state at least once!! Besises, we don't want Waste to start begging again.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 25
I find implants rather grotesque. Natural is the way to go.

I'd take a naturally flat chested girl over a girl with a pair of plastic melons anyday.
Lvl 15
Falsies can be a complete tragedy sometimes. The funniest ones are where one nipple points up and the other one down, or sometimes worse.
Lvl 15
Whoa... how did I miss this??

Great pics!!

P.S. Waste, for the love of God, get yourself together!
Lvl 18
:: drags Waste out of thread, screaming "Sweatpants!!" ::
Lvl 8
Nice ass, and the rest of your body too, but I would kiss that ass for days.
Lvl 9
coleymoley84 goes good....... u said u take requests..... how bout nothin?
Lvl 17
I personally prefer no pants over sweatpants...
Lvl 17
BTW. Great pics! Thanks for posting them!
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