afiguy124, doolittle, loveboobs69 find this awesome.
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kenpomaster20 9 years ago
moss 9 years ago
kingfingers393 9 years ago
borringguy 9 years ago
[Deleted] 9 years ago
I don't think we really need the words "nude again" in a Miley Cyrus thread title, it's pretty much expected.
MissMia22 9 years ago
gidrdun 9 years ago
alcahuete 9 years ago
Wouldn't even consider it. She looks like a little boy.
She used to be really pretty. I dont know what the hell happened...
She used to be really pretty. I dont know what the hell happened...
Goldseeker, moss, blitzoid, BillK find this awesome.
moss 9 years ago
Originally posted by MissMia22Wow... pretty nasty replies on this thread so far. Definitely not what is usually expected from the WBW crowd.
I think it's kind of cool how comfy she is with herself to be so famous and go so nude.
Disagree 100%
being nude is fine however when your career is built & based on young little girls, You have a responsibility to be a better roll model to them whether you like it or not.....
realwilo 9 years ago
Originally posted by mosswhen your career is built & based on young little girls, You have a responsibility to be a better roll model to them whether you like it or not.....
did she ever ask for being a roll model?
i don't like her music nor her style, but it's her body and she decides to show up naked or not, no matter if young girls go crazy for her or not. she has no responsibility for nothing!
johnsnow finds this awesome.
rainbowdemon 9 years ago
Originally posted by kingfingers393I would fuck the life outta her
Me too!!
johnsnow finds this awesome.
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