Lvl 4
TitFightLover 5 years ago
cute firm tight tits and crispY crunchY nips ~ wanna watch her TitFighting VS equally endowed rival vs only
Lvl 12
collinwood 6 years ago
Umm, I think that last comment was by a black dude.
mikesnatch finds this awesome.
Lvl 23
pamattie 6 years ago
There certainly aren't all that many woman who don't want a big cock. I don't know any, in fact, who will every be satisfied with a guy with a small cock. They may marry him, but they will definitely cheat on him. I wonder what she would do if a black man walked up to her. I know from my caribbean vacations what happens. The white women just flat out melt. They literally lose control of themselves. At least I admit I want a large black cock. And although the majority of white woman have acknowledged, like me, that we want black man and very large black cocks, there are still a fair number of white women who won't admit it. All of us white women think it, but a few still, for whatever reason, won't admit that we fantasize constantly about black men. Just a fact. Plain and simple. But I really would like to see a large black man enter this shot and then see what would happen. I see it in the Caribbean all the time. It is soooo much fun to watch. We (white women) just go crazy. Anyway, there is no doubt that at some point she will be with a black man. Then this picture would never happen.
Lvl 18
Sardinesam 6 years ago
Well, she seems happy enough, perhaps she is one of those few women that dont like big cocks??
saycheese., 11lurch11 find this awesome.
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Published 6 years ago
Uploaded by mr_hairsuit
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Category Naked Babes
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