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About Me

  • Male
  • 72 years
  • Joined 6 January 2006
  • 1960× logged on
  • Last online 3 hours ago
If it's bare, it has no flair!
Any woman willing to share her naked pictures, hairy or shaved, is beautiful to me. But I prefer hairy!

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Lvl 32
26089.54 / 26400.00 xp
Activity for last year
4876 Uploads
14578 Posts
Profile views: 28569×
Babes uploaded: 4267
Babes viewed: 61221×
Videos uploaded: 609
Videos watched: 2441×
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Cars viewed: 75×
Forum posts: 15
Forums views: 172×
Comments: 14563
Avg babes given: 9.79 (23136×)
Avg videos given: 4.70 (512×)
Avg cars given: 10.00 (1×)
Avg topics given: 5.00 (2×)
Tagged: 329×
Awesomes gotten: 7202×