Lvl 28
freddy_love 12 years ago
Nice bush
Lvl 27
Muad-dib 17 years ago
Thanks for the history lesson snoop.....that's a little more thought than I would have given it, but since you brought it up, you forgot to mention, back in Victorian England, crotch hair was so inportant to most woman, especialy those getting on in years, it does have a tendancy to fall out all by itself for older women, that they actually developed artificial hair pieces for the female genetalia. Would love to see a couple o'snaps of that antique snatcheroo huh snoops?

A G R E E !!!
Lvl 4
piratesoul 18 years ago
Thanks for the history lesson snoop.....that's a little more thought than I would have given it, but since you brought it up, you forgot to mention, back in Victorian England, crotch hair was so inportant to most woman, especialy those getting on in years, it does have a tendancy to fall out all by itself for older women, that they actually developed artificial hair pieces for the female genetalia. Would love to see a couple o'snaps of that antique snatcheroo huh snoops?
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 18 years ago
'Interesting how pics of naked girls can be dated by how much bush they are sporting....a full forest is the oldest photo....from the Sixties or Seventies....then the trimmed and sculpted look becomes vogue, and finally, the fully-shaved, "as smooth as the day she was born" look takes over in the end of the twentieth century ... and thankfully, it is as popular today....the less hair, the better....hair should only be on a woman's head....nowhere else...that's my story, and I'm stickin' (an' lickin' to it.
Lvl 11
marko9112 19 years ago
i think she's drunk
Lvl 15
johnnysilent 19 years ago
why shave ?
gazmic46 finds this awesome.
Lvl 24
VicVega 20 years ago
is she dancing or what ...?

Lvl 17
dickhead 21 years ago
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Published 21 years ago
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Dimensions 431 623
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 16770
Comments 8