Score: 3.00 Votes: 12
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Users who's here to lower babes ratings

Starter: justmeee Posted: 2 years ago Views: 3.1K
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Lvl 43
Can someone block him?
He's here only to lowering babes ratings. I think we all are here to admire them, not to insult they beauty.
Sinom, clayman1280, EvilEd1, Paige80 and 6 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 33
I totally agree
EvilEd1, Paige80, ellen84, krw891005 find this awesome.
Lvl 43
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
ellen84 finds this awesome.
Lvl 43
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
Paige80, ellen84 find this awesome.
Lvl 43
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
ellen84 finds this awesome.
Lvl 43
I think when a man sees a few tausend woman and rate them with average about <5.0 should look for some man.
azdesertrat, cartoon8, Mroowka, krw891005 find this awesome.
Lvl 14
Any lass who gets her kit off and is willing to show it on here deserves at least a 7 and generally a 9.
theJoker4, WesternPerv, exocet, dogdude and 7 other(s) find this awesome.
gosaints viewed 6332, rated 579 so s/he voted on only the ones didn't like
wachlin74 has logged in 9 times since 2005
philstevens and gdi are 60 year olds, i don't know if they have any erection so i feel sad about their voting but i understand and of course one day hopefully we will reach their age.
collegeguy314 votes low his students, he has a professor office for favours that lead to rating higher his student's nudes.

JustMeee, this kind of problem can only be addressed by an AI algorithm. this website is not facebook with a stash of money to apply analytics and trend algorithms and software robots to deal with human behaviour and its mysteries or personal views that are of interest only to the persons who have those views.
we must discover the pattern to solve the problem. TY for sponsoring this beautiful thematic park, please be patient. Diz is moving the servers, he has a lot of technical problems to address.
i hope i promoted the conversation you started.
azdesertrat finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
Personally, I think there are too many users on here that rate too highly. There are too many guys who will give a 10 just because a girl flashes a boob. There are far too many plain girls who are rated 8.x, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
calspeeder, heybooboo1, Dogtrack, Otter123 and 13 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 22
This has been and issue since 2004. IMHO.....this is the internet, NOT reality. People will be people. Thanks, DizX, for this site. Perfection is unattainable.

dogdude, Sinom, Diz-X, realwilo and 11 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 19
Should we also ban people that obsessively rate every pic at 8 ? Some people may only vote on pics they dislike and others may only vote on ones they like. Why do some of you feel the need to judge others opinions? Look at the girls and vote on them how your opinion dictates. Then get off your pedestal and ignore the opinions you do not like. Or is this site to become another Facebook or Twitter, where people with opinions that you don't like are banned? For that is the down fall of social media, a vocal few dictate what everyone is allowed to think.
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
realwilo, Otter123, Dennis2377, lauscher69 and 7 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by NaughtyNomad
Personally, I think there are too many users on here that rate too highly.

Personally, I think that I don't give af for anyone's opinion about the pics that I posted. I post pics just for the sake of posting. If you like it, I'm fine. If you don't, I'm fine with it as well.

If I post pics of my wife and you tell me, she's ugly, I'm fine because you don't know what you're missing and most of all you never will!
strictguy, Dennis2377, Sinom, azdesertrat and 3 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 16
I rate a lot of photos 10 not because I think they are a 10 but because I feel they deserve a higher rating. I rate some photos a 1 for the same reason
darkstar001, JudgeErnie, Paige80, [Deleted] and 2 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 15
A bigger issue is over rating. A girl who is below average gets an 8 simply for showing some skin. Act and vote like you have seen a good-looking girl before.
heybooboo1, babeologist, ishavedmyballs4this, beg429 and 8 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 15
Ok guys, I agree with elviswayne in that any girl who willingly shares the goods should be awarded with a kind “thank you”! Then if it’s she’s your cup of tea you just control yourself, be kind and move on. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
Andi.d, Sinom, ellen84, Bilbo02 find this awesome.
Lvl 8
So you don’t like how they vote so you want to cancel them..

If you don’t want low score to post.

What about people who only post high scores? Ban them as well to make fair?

I think your a fucking prick starting this thread and voted it 1. Cancel that mother fucker..
gdi, strictguy, heybooboo1, ishavedmyballs4this and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 26
I've been following this thread with interest. Let's look at how and why people score in the way that they do. Firstly, scoring is a very subjective exercise. What I find attractive in a girl others may not. That's the nature of the beast. I don't score every lady. I look at the thumbnails and open those where I think that the lady is attractive. Sometimes I'm disappointed. She's not as pretty as first appeared and so I score accordingly.

Some members score a 1 every time. I have one such person on my thread. When I challenged him why it was because I scored one of his few posts a 1. He/she then proceeded to go through the 30 plus pages of my profile and gave every picture a 1. Goodness knows how long it took to open every picture to score. And this person does the same with several other members. If this isn't a sign of someone who needs to seek help then I don't what is.

The thread that runs through most of the people who score a 1 is that they've never ever posted a picture. Scored literally 1,000's of pictures with an average score in the 2's or 3's. I've challenged them to post a picture of a girl that they consider a 10 so that I know where I'm going wrong. Not one has accepted my suggestion.

Perhaps people shouldn't be allowed to score until they've posted a picture that scores a 10? But how would that work? Not very well I would suggest.

Leave them alone in their dark lonely inadequate world with no friends and be thankful that they don't have their finger on "the button".
azdesertrat, [Deleted], enjoyspanking, expat2011 and 6 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 26

5 is acceptable
6 is good
7 is very good
7 favourite explains itself
8 -10 exceptional
Hope this explains.
N.B. this is supposed to be a porn site.
expat2011, Smedley36541, greenmanone find this awesome.
Lvl 16
How about Calbert? Can an AI be set up to give his uploads a 1 automatically and save the rest of us some time?
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ohmy111
How about Calbert? Can an AI be set up to give his uploads a 1 automatically and save the rest of us some time?

You can put him om block and filter him in the babe categories filter. I really must make this more clear...
streakybaco finds this awesome.
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