Score: 3.68 Votes: 56

She dont want too

5 months ago

Lvl 20
Ezk 3 months ago
It was all his idea to have his younger sister see his junk . A obsession/ fantasy that he has held to for like 3 years after he dreamt of it one night . He told her about the dream he had when they talked about weird and cool dreams each has had and that was quite risky to share with his now sixteen year old sister Jeannie. " No way !! " was her first reaction . Come on Jeannie just look at it . You don't have to touch it just look at it real close and don't pull away when stuff starts to happen ! " " Stuff's going to happen ? ? " She exclaimed .
Lvl 26
halftimereport 5 months ago
he will jerk off again.
Ezk finds this awesome.