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  • Male
  • Joined 8 July 2008
  • 5× logged on
  • Last online 16 years ago
You see, I think food tastes better when it has a mother that will miss it. Yes, I want my food to have traveled a slaughter house conveyor belt and then get chopped into little pieces by members of the meat packers union . . . or non union, a neighborhood butcher is just as good . . . actually a neighborhood butcher is better, you know the guy that's chopping your food up and if need be you can go to his house and kill him if he gives you a bad cut. Then you can take it to his butcher shop and grind it up into hamburger meat and sell it to dumb tourists as long pork . . . not that I've ever done that . . .

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Lvl 8
1719.60 / 1800.00 xp
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