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Welcome to the Darkside
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11 year anniversary
11 year old account
10 year anniversary
10 year old account
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9 year anniversary
9 year old account
8 year anniversary
8 year old account
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7 year old account
6 year anniversary
6 year old account
5 year anniversary
5 year old account
4 year anniversary
4 year old account
3 year anniversary
3 year old account
2 year anniversary
2 year old account
1 year anniversary
1 year old account
Reached Level 15
Reached Level 10
Reached Level 5
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So it begins...
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So much awesomeness
Have Gotten 10,000 Awesomes
Who's awesome? You're awesome!
Have Gotten 1,000 Awesomes
That's Awesome!
Have Gotten 100 Awesomes
Someone liked what you said
Have Gotten 10 Awesomes
Your Voice, Your Vote
Voted 5,000 Times
I want you to vote more
Voted 1,000 Times
Your vote matters
Voted 100 Times
The Commentator
Made 1,000 Comments
The Speaker
Made 100 Comments
The Annotator
Made 10 Comments
Community: Cadet
Made 10 Forum Posts