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see you later folks...

Starter: VicVega Posted: 16 years ago Views: 102
Lvl 24
...i'm out of the duties here next 2 weeks; actually from 6th to 20th of October.

as i mentioned before, i'm going to China on business. i'll be staying more in HongKong, but taking 1-2day trips to mainland several times.

have fun with modding while i'm gone, and may the force be with you all.

here are few pics that i took the last time i was at HK; sorry, cloudy day, and a cellphone camera wont make the best result...
Lvl 27

i still say send me an egg roll, some wanton soup and some fried rice that wouldbe the shit
Lvl 24
all you'd like to have is some food ?
Lvl 27
well im starving cause i havent eaten since lunch yesterday, and since im leaving for class soon, lunch isn't anywhere in the near future.

ill also take a couple of nukes if you can sneak then through customs.

edit: yeah, i havent eaten since im poor, so if you could send me some money too, that would great...mmmmkay? thanks a bunch </officespace>
Lvl 28
Yea, gifts would be nice
Be safe and make time for some fun too while you're there
Lvl 24
yea, thanks grlie. i always have some free time to just have fun there too. one swedish colleague of mine is coming with me, and he's a nice and fun fellow.... and not ghey, thank god. weekends are off work, and we have some more freetime during the week too. until now, i know a lot of good places to hit there, and i dont mean just pubs and bars.

@punly: hunger really sucks.
Lvl 27
Vic, there will be no fun for you this trip just work

Unless you bring back pics, then you may enjoy
Lvl 29
Take lots of pictures of Chinese girls!!

See you when you get back, my friend!!

Lvl 28
Enjoy your trip man..
have fun dude...take care and relax, come back in one piece and not married
Lvl 28
enjoy the trip...
Lvl 24
thx mates i'll try to relax, and if i see some hot oriental chicks, maybe some picshots....

@tino: not getting married, definately.
Lvl 19
Enjoy the trip.
Lvl 24
thx ascy

well, it's goodbye now. time to pack my shit and leave to airport tomorrow.


Lvl 59
Bye bye, have fun.
Lvl 24
yeah, bye eric !