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X-mas Wish list?

Starter: RumDum Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.5K
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Lvl 28
Really? How tall are you?

Like 6'3? that would be crazy.
Lvl 10
I want one of the black Wii's :-)

and a camera, which I know I'm getting
Lvl 26
Originally posted by kimmiekins

I want one of the black Wii's :-)

and a camera, which I know I'm getting
Only that?
Lvl 24
Originally posted by LeggyShyGirl

I do actually!
But I'm quite tall, and people always say if my feet were smaller, I'd fall over, coz I'd be like a lamp post trying to walk! So I don't actually want them chopped off! Maybe if they were pink and glittery and didn't smell I'd like them more.

they smell?

perhaps ask santa for a gift certificate for a pedicure
Lvl 6
I'm sure all feet smell at some point. Like if you wear certain shoes without socks. Or when it's really hot. I do a lot of bike riding in the summer and coz my feet are in my trainers allll day long my feet end up being very smelly afterwards. Not much I can do about it though, not exactly as if I'm going to be like 'oh wait a minute, I'll just cycle past a beauty salon so they can wash my feet before I finish my bike ride so I don't smell!'

Sometimes, having fun is way more important than smelly feet!

And last time I got measured(which was quite a while ago!) I was 6 foot tall. I might have shrunk since then though. :o
Lvl 17
I'd love a lamborghini! Would hotlink but ain't sure how!!

Or leggyshygirl wrapped in a big red bow!!!
Lvl 6
Isn't that a drink that chavs drink that's like really cheap wine and costs about £2 a bottle?

I could probably do pictures like that... would need to find a big red bow first though, haha. I'll put it on my to do list.
Lvl 9
Race at Le Mans in one of these babies

I probably should wish for the driving skill as well, huh?
Lvl 14
Well i can think of things worse than this

Lvl 8
i would like a russian bullet proof suv.....Whale penis leather interior. That's all you really need to know about the $1.5 million Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition. Yes, the diamond-encrusted white gold gauges and gold-plated bulletproof windows are impressive, but seriously, whale penis leather interior ......

if not just my wife,kids and grand-kids to be well and fit will do thanks
Lvl 17
Isn't that a drink that chavs drink that's like really cheap wine and costs about £2 a bottle?

I could probably do pictures like that... would need to find a big red bow first though, haha. I'll put it on my to do list.

You thinking of lambrini?!?

Would love that big red bow pic! Hold up a card saying hi too!!
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