Originally posted by EricLindros
You're not poor enough, IMO. There comes a point where anyone would do it.
Masochism? Self-loathing?
After that rant (which, as far as rants go, was pretty good) I'm curious as to your opinion of bi-chicks. Straight, gay or truly bi? I've seen evidence that bisexual men don't actually exist, psychologically, and that almost all men who claim to be bisexual are actually gay but cannot admit it to themselves. The studies for women, however, are more ambiguous.
For me, I identified as bi for almost years 6 years before finally coming out as gay. I believed that I loved both men and women equally, and that I found them both sexually appealing. I had relationships with both, although none of them for very long. I heard the arguments that bisexuality doesn't really exist...that being bi is simply a holding pattern until you decide if you are gay or straight; and I thought that was bullshit. You notice that in the argument it says "until you DECIDE if you're gay or straight." Well that is bullshit too. Nobody decides one day, one month, or one year that they are gay...its just inside you, you either accept it or you don't. Having said that...I totally think that you can decide to be bi. I think some people think of coming out bi is a bit of a stepping stone to being fully out as gay. In my case this is what happened. I didn't wake up one day and say...hmmm you know coming out as bi would be a lot easier; but that is essentially what happened.
I know women who have been bi for 30 years, so I guess that is a good an answer as I can give you if bisexuality exists. Either it does, or these women have some very serious emotional issues. For me personally...I was wrong in my argument...because for me it was a holding pattern...I didn't realize it at the time, but that was the case.