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Would you Suck Dick???

Starter: RumDum Posted: 16 years ago Views: 6.8K
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Lvl 6
Originally posted by EricLindros


You're not poor enough, IMO. There comes a point where anyone would do it.

Masochism? Self-loathing?

After that rant (which, as far as rants go, was pretty good) I'm curious as to your opinion of bi-chicks. Straight, gay or truly bi? I've seen evidence that bisexual men don't actually exist, psychologically, and that almost all men who claim to be bisexual are actually gay but cannot admit it to themselves. The studies for women, however, are more ambiguous.

For me, I identified as bi for almost years 6 years before finally coming out as gay. I believed that I loved both men and women equally, and that I found them both sexually appealing. I had relationships with both, although none of them for very long. I heard the arguments that bisexuality doesn't really exist...that being bi is simply a holding pattern until you decide if you are gay or straight; and I thought that was bullshit. You notice that in the argument it says "until you DECIDE if you're gay or straight." Well that is bullshit too. Nobody decides one day, one month, or one year that they are gay...its just inside you, you either accept it or you don't. Having said that...I totally think that you can decide to be bi. I think some people think of coming out bi is a bit of a stepping stone to being fully out as gay. In my case this is what happened. I didn't wake up one day and say...hmmm you know coming out as bi would be a lot easier; but that is essentially what happened.

I know women who have been bi for 30 years, so I guess that is a good an answer as I can give you if bisexuality exists. Either it does, or these women have some very serious emotional issues. For me personally...I was wrong in my argument...because for me it was a holding pattern...I didn't realize it at the time, but that was the case.
Lvl 16
Im happy to see my thread is helping the world become less ignorant and blind to these issues.

These are things people need to know.

I have a question for you SP. Why are some guys so over the top with there flamboyance, I don't think I understand that part to much..
Lvl 7
Depends on the dick...whip it out!!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by RumDum

Im happy to see my thread is helping the world become less ignorant and blind to these issues.

These are things people need to know.

I have a question for you SP. Why are some guys so over the top with there flamboyance, I don't think I understand that part to much..

Yeah its kinda funny how this thread has turned into this...considering it was a question asked to men.

Thats a good question you ask, and I can only assume on the answer. I think that if you are a gay man then you probably relate to straight women more so than straight guys (I know for me as a lesbian, I totally relate to men more than women.) And perhaps because they do relate to women more so, maybe some of them pick up on some of the qualities of women, almost envy some of the qualities. Obviously not all do though, because there are your stereotypical gay guys and guys that you would never know are gay. Same goes with lesbians. You have the butch lesbian and the femme or lipstick lesbian. For me...I'm very femme, and attracted to femmes, so I can't fully answer the question.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by RumDum

Im happy to see my thread is helping the world become less ignorant and blind to these issues.

@ helping the world

come on now.

and its a little odd that you see these things as "issues"

who is it an issue for? certainly not me
Lvl 6
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


@ helping the world

come on now.

and its a little odd that you see these things as "issues"

who is it an issue for? certainly not me

Perhaps the greater WBW world?
Lvl 27
you're my buddy... so it's for free! **

Lvl 16
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


@ helping the world

come on now.

and its a little odd that you see these things as "issues"

who is it an issue for? certainly not me

I was hopeing someone would get the subtle humor in that remark..

@Muad, Then you just get a big tip..
Lvl 6
Hell Yes
Lvl 27
Originally posted by RumDum

I was hopeing someone would get the subtle humor in that remark..

@Muad, Then you just get a big tip..

0.25$... i know your courtesy!
Lvl 27
btw: will you kick my balls as last time i gove head to you?
Lvl 16
with a courtacy reach around..
Lvl 27
Originally posted by RumDum

with a courtacy reach around..

Lvl 59
Originally posted by sugarpie26


For me, I identified as bi for almost years 6 years before finally coming out as gay. I believed that I loved both men and women equally, and that I found them both sexually appealing. I had relationships with both, although none of them for very long. I heard the arguments that bisexuality doesn't really exist...that being bi is simply a holding pattern until you decide if you are gay or straight; and I thought that was bullshit. You notice that in the argument it says "until you DECIDE if you're gay or straight." Well that is bullshit too. Nobody decides one day, one month, or one year that they are gay...its just inside you, you either accept it or you don't. Having said that...I totally think that you can decide to be bi. I think some people think of coming out bi is a bit of a stepping stone to being fully out as gay. In my case this is what happened. I didn't wake up one day and say...hmmm you know coming out as bi would be a lot easier; but that is essentially what happened.

I know women who have been bi for 30 years, so I guess that is a good an answer as I can give you if bisexuality exists. Either it does, or these women have some very serious emotional issues. For me personally...I was wrong in my argument...because for me it was a holding pattern...I didn't realize it at the time, but that was the case.


As far as the choice/decision issue, you're right, it's biochemically wired into peoples heads (some people, anyway, which is why I brought up the subject). Gay peoples brains fire in a disctinctly different way than those of straight people.

One of the studies I read involved monitoring peoples brain activity while showing them photos of people of the opposite sex. The neuronal activity of me claiming to be gay responded to pictures of men in the same way that straight men reacted to pictures of women. The brain activity of gay men didn't respond to pictures of women just as straight men didn't respond to pictures of men. Gay women's brains acted the same way when shown pictures of women and men.

What becomes interesting, however, is that men who claimed to be bisexual had the same neuronal response as the gay men, but didn't respond in the same way as straight men did to pictures of women. The suggestion, therefore, is that the men who claimed to be bi in fact had the same brain activity as gay men.

Meanwhile women who claimed to be gay reacted to BOTH men and women in the same way as straight people react to the opposite sex or as gays react to pictures of the same sex.

The conclusion presented in the article, then, was that the existence of bisexuality in men is questionable while it is likely in women. Of course, it's just a hypothesis on one set of tests, but interesting nonetheless.

Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


@ helping the world

come on now.

Oh, come on, let RumDum pat himself on the back once in a while for something I brought up.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by EricLindros



As far as the choice/decision issue, you're right, it's biochemically wired into peoples heads (some people, anyway, which is why I brought up the subject). Gay peoples brains fire in a disctinctly different way than those of straight people.

One of the studies I read involved monitoring peoples brain activity while showing them photos of people of the opposite sex. The neuronal activity of me claiming to be gay responded to pictures of men in the same way that straight men reacted to pictures of women. The brain activity of gay men didn't respond to pictures of women just as straight men didn't respond to pictures of men. Gay women's brains acted the same way when shown pictures of women and men.

What becomes interesting, however, is that men who claimed to be bisexual had the same neuronal response as the gay men, but didn't respond in the same way as straight men did to pictures of women. The suggestion, therefore, is that the men who claimed to be bi in fact had the same brain activity as gay men.

Meanwhile women who claimed to be gay reacted to BOTH men and women in the same way as straight people react to the opposite sex or as gays react to pictures of the same sex.

The conclusion presented in the article, then, was that the existence of bisexuality in men is questionable while it is likely in women. Of course, it's just a hypothesis on one set of tests, but interesting nonetheless.

That is interesting...however its just based on image sensory. And we already know that men and women (gay or straight) react differently to images
Lvl 59
Yeah, although I'm sure there is some amount of physical attraction in both men and women that can be ascertained via such a study.

Here's one for them: As it's known men are generally more image related than women; Are butch lesbians more visually stimulated and are femme-gay men less visually stimulated. These are the things I wonder about.

Also, if two lesbians want to have a child, only one of them can possibly be genetically related to the child (unless sperm is used from the family of the other) who chooses, and do you think there would be any tension/differing bond levels/etc due to the lack of a genetic link between the one parent and the other?

Interesting, eh? (I'm talking about the weird tangents my mind goes off on, not the questions themselves )
Lvl 28
Lvl 6
Originally posted by EricLindros

Yeah, although I'm sure there is some amount of physical attraction in both men and women that can be ascertained via such a study.

Here's one for them: As it's known men are generally more image related than women; Are butch lesbians more visually stimulated and are femme-gay men less visually stimulated. These are the things I wonder about.

Also, if two lesbians want to have a child, only one of them can possibly be genetically related to the child (unless sperm is used from the family of the other) who chooses, and do you think there would be any tension/differing bond levels/etc due to the lack of a genetic link between the one parent and the other?

Interesting, eh? (I'm talking about the weird tangents my mind goes off on, not the questions themselves )

The first question...I don't

The second...again lets use my life as an example shall we? I'd like to have children one day...but I really don't want to go through child birth. So hopefully my partner does I don't think there would be tension within the couple, its a choice they made.
Lvl 22
lost in the smoke of it all
Lvl 24
Originally posted by sugarpie26


The first question...I don't

The second...again lets use my life as an example shall we? I'd like to have children one day...but I really don't want to go through child birth. So hopefully my partner does I don't think there would be tension within the couple, its a choice they made.

Steal a baby?
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