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Worst Movie you have seen in the last year?

Starter: faulty6six6 Posted: 13 years ago Views: 1.6K
Lvl 29
Splice with Adrien Brody.
I'd like to punch him in the nose, take my $4.99 back, and then punch him in the nose again. What a smoldering pile, or preachy shit that movie was. And he bangs the weird, genetic mutant chick...ehhh...her boobies were nice.
Lvl 6
I was disappointed with the new Clash Of The Titans, it was ok but there was nowhere near enough action for that sort of movie, i wouldnt watch it again.
Lvl 29
I haven't seen Clash of the Titans yet, but I heard they are making a sequel now...
Lvl 6
See "Centipede". File under 'so bad it's awful' file.
Lvl 59
Hot Tub Time Machine.

Seriously. Just...wowbad.
Lvl 26
The new Robin Hood with that Gladiator dude.
I couldn't believe how horribly disappointed I was.
Lvl 27
The Other Guys, with Will Ferrell, that was a painfully bad movie to watch...
Lvl 14
I agree with Splice being terrible. The Happening was also horribly bad.
Lvl 12
I second "The Other Guys", horrible movie ... except the part in the beginning where the two hero cops jump off of a skyscraper, that was pretty funny
Lvl 51
TRON Legacy.... i have lost two hours of my life in this movie ( i hate my brother )
Lvl 27
Originally posted by hornithologist

I second "The Other Guys", horrible movie ... except the part in the beginning where the two hero cops jump off of a skyscraper, that was pretty funny

Indeed, if only the other 2 stars of the movie would have jumped with them, ending the movie right there, it would have been the perfect movie
Lvl 13
The Last AirBender = Worst. Movie. Ever.