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Winners and losers in the game of Spam...

Starter: DEMO Posted: 16 years ago Views: 13.4K
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Lvl 24
Lvl 9
soooooo... yea

way to go Phillies woo! congrats, Lindros

watched Obama's 30 minutes... actually was kind of touched by it. ha

was nervous for 3 classes today -aaaaall of them turned out excellent

and uhhhh on these notes, I'm going to bed!

Good day, good night
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 22
Soo...I'm teh loser...
Lvl 24
I'm here. And my costume is dandy.

I'm getting ready to dye it a little darker.

@nt- You just now finding that out?
Lvl 22
@b-no, it's a life style....
Lvl 28
Originally posted by notech

Soo...I'm teh loser...

Lvl 24
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Honda_X



tnx , I needed that
Lvl 24
I don't want to do homework...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

I don't want to do homework...

Do Emma Watson instead.
Lvl 24
Lvl 28
If I had to pick between Emma Watson and homework, I'm like 79% sure I would pick Emma Watson.
Lvl 24
I still don't freaking know what "En" means...
Lvl 28
Make up your own word, and when she asks what it means...tell her, the same as "en"..

..and maybe she'll be like "ohhhh, giant dildo"
Lvl 24
Lvl 24
Good lord this scotch is ...strong.
Lvl 24
So, hooray for summing up the story of a 150 minute long Russian movie into the examples of an "upturned teacup", a "canted candle", and a "disheveled stack of paper."

Hopefully, I sounded smart enough to make the professor accept the glorious-ness-icity that is the paper I just wrote. lol
Lvl 25
Bangles, ffs ask her what en means!!!
en is short for enema
Lvl 27
Gotta go change a flat tire, ugh, not what I wanted to do first thing in the morning...
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