dont you ameicans like the bacon fried?
night time over here,tired of the pOrn.
night time over here,tired of the pOrn.
Originally posted by leon2006
dont you ameicans like the bacon fried?
Originally posted by leon2006
...i meant that cod make new stuff like more deapth to the story more original guns and etc,and at least cod have allways have a decnt plot unlike gta where you roam from misson to misson with a simple story,and i did play Shadow of the Colussus and i tought it was one of the best ps2 games ever made.
meatal gear is one of the best video games sagas,the story is so deep and awosome.
Originally posted by Demonicmale
Most definitely, nice and crispy
Originally posted by leon2006
men i hope you are joking,have posters of trantino movies not some punk tom boy girl with a tie on a t-shirt combo something.
Originally posted by Kanzen
Alright, my first impression of the Pulse Rifle that it was a waste, but seriously, upgrade that fucker to the max otherwise you will not make it past the Hive Mind.
Originally posted by EricLindros
Ooh. Can I be in 'Bangles and the Jets" too?
I mean, it'll be awesome and hardcore! We can go around doing awesomely rough and hardcore stabbing people, making fun of the cops (officer, and snapping our fingers singing showtunes!
Originally posted by ItsaPinkMoon
19 years youunghah
Originally posted by Honda_X
Alright, my first impression of the Pulse Rifle that it was a waste, but seriously, upgrade that fucker to the max otherwise you will not make it past the Hive Mind. Trying to hit the weak spots with anything but the Pulse Rifle is extremely hard.
Originally posted by RumDum
Its seems not much has changed round here.
Honda is still shoeless
Demo is still hopped up on caffeine (now with bacon bits floating in it)
Bangles is still miserable
And Kanzen is,, well still Kanzen..
Hey mofo's hows it going today?
Originally posted by Bangledesh
I freaking sold my Pulse Rifle for the monies...
Damn. Honda! You jerk!
Originally posted by RumDum
It is good to be back.
I came to back to my computer and had 236 god damn emails.
I missed the pooh flinging round here thats for sure.
This is just a fun place and It cost me A LOT less.
Originally posted by NaughtyGypsy
I knew you were getting serious withdrawals when you sent me the pix message of a can of spam.
Boy, do I know that feeling. I'm so glad all my major tests and papers are done for another week or two!
Originally posted by Bangledesh
I have the "Scorpion Suit"
It's like the Lv. 5, but better. And red and glow-y.
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