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Will she stay after she comes to America?

Starter: JField07 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 2.5K
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Lvl 10
I found this report at A Foreign Affair. It's an immigration report that shows that by marrying a foreign woman you have more than twice the chance of staying married than if you marry an American woman. Here in Scottsdale AZ the divorce rate is 70% and according to the US government the divorce rate with foreign women is less than 20%. Marrying an American woman you have a 250% greater chance of getting divorced.
Kind of interesting uh?

To see report go to:
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Look brother, u have to give a shittt about what all people say about she is a gold digger, u r the only knows everythingg, all situation, u r the only who knows her....i think, come on more then a year maybe u already would know if she is a gold digger...ill tell u my story

i had a relationship with an ukranian girl for 2 years and 3 months, she was here in colombia, all was gooodd more then gooood, greatttttt, but she had to go to united states. as is well known for latinos is hard to go to united states and to others countries, i tryiedd sooooo hardd to go to united states and ukraine, but was impossible....all went down and downnnnn and underrrr, and we broke´s already 5 months and i still missing herrr and criyin....

NOW Man, u have allll....u can go and comeee any time u likee...u got the moneyyy, u and this girl like each we say here "if u dont put in risk an egg, u wont get a chicken" my advice is...


Good fuckin luck bro.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Dude, follow your heart, and do what makes you happy, don't waste your life on could of's or should of's, you only live once, if it doesn't work out atleast you tried, thats all you can really do. Good Luck, and let Karma take it's course. But of course, this is just my 2 cents.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
I recently met a girl from India. She "loved me lots". She also wants a visa............
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
I agree with, "Run, Forrest, Run"
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
Originally posted by franklin

Dude- if she is smoking hot she will dump you once she becomes a US citizen (through marriage) and learns to speak the language- 1 Year is a short time in my book- marry her in Russia or some other country other then the US so the she cant be nationalized- that way if she fucks ya over you call the INS on her ass.

just my thought

I was thinking the same. i have seen many examples like this. Invite her but do not get married right away or something. Just live with her for like a year and see how the things will go on.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Originally posted by franklin
Dude- if she is smoking hot she will dump you once she becomes a US citizen (through marriage) and learns to speak the language-

Plus she'll take at least half of your stuff.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 18
I agree, don't marry her. Let the relationship develope. You will know when it is time. If all she wants is a green card, wait and see. PS. If you really want it to work, don't show her too a lot of fun places she could have without you. Like Bars!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
i say go for it the worst that can happen is she goes back the best is you guys work out but thats just me
* This post has been modified : 7 months ago
Lvl 24
hmm, sounds to me that you are not sure if she really loves you or not. maybe it would be better to wait long enough before asking the big question after she has moved to america. chances are that she'll stay with you, or she will later divorce, but that's the same in every relationship in general. if you're just asking, if she'll immediately leave you...there is a risk of that of course. the setup for this kind of affairs is a bit difficult. you're both looking for something to gain, that's for sure. also, keep in mind that drop-dead-gorgeous women attract a lot of attension with your fellow countrymen back home...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
I am a Russian woman. I have been married to an American for more than 8 years. Also I associate with a group of about 100 Russian women that have married American men. So far I have only known of three divorces out of almost 100 couples. That is a far cry from my husband’s friends who are almost all divorced from American women.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
hmmm, i wonder if 'JField07' & 'KorostelevaE' share the same IP?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by KorostelevaE

I am a Russian woman. I have been married to an American for more than 8 years. Also I associate with a group of about 100 Russian women that have married American men. So far I have only known of three divorces out of almost 100 couples. That is a far cry from my husband’s friends who are almost all divorced from American women.

can i ask:

were you living in russia when you met your now husband?

did you go through an agency? why?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Move her here and dont marry her. She gains nothing by living with you but not being married. If she loves you shell stay with you. Maybe after a year or two of living together here then marry her.

Bottom line. There are no guarantees son. She could live with you for a year get married and then divorce you. For all the reasons everyone else gets divorced.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by mal

Move her here and dont marry her. She gains nothing by living with you but not being married. If she loves you shell stay with you. Maybe after a year or two of living together here then marry her.

Bottom line. There are no guarantees son. She could live with you for a year get married and then divorce you. For all the reasons everyone else gets divorced.

best advice yet!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by mal

Move her here and dont marry her. She gains nothing by living with you but not being married. If she loves you shell stay with you. Maybe after a year or two of living together here then marry her.

Bottom line. There are no guarantees son. She could live with you for a year get married and then divorce you. For all the reasons everyone else gets divorced.

um, immigration would scrutinise her since she is a single female russian.

don't quote me on it but if one wants to visit the US a tourist visa is required and one can stay no longer than 6 mths and show they have sufficient income to support themselves.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
Thanks for your advice you guys, well to most of you.
I must say, over the last days I have been thinking things over and realized that I should wait a little longer. Most people that I know and have heard of take way more time to get to know each other and only then they start thinking about getting married, but at the end of the day, what really matters is what I believe is the best for the both of us and that is to be patient and wait a little longer, nevertheless this doesn't change neither the way I feel about her, nor my plans, What I mean is that I still want her to come to the states and eventually marry her, but I’ll give her time to see how she deals with the whole moving to another country and being away from your relatives thing, but of course I'll be by her side at all moment and support her as much as I can.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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