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Why Is Popular Music So Damn Shitty?!

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.7K
Lvl 28
Now, before everyone goes "It has been shitty since the 70s"..fuck you, it has not, RD.

I'm young. Like, I could probably pull off the gay colored jackets and emo hair if I felt like it, but you know, crazy, crazy gay.

It's this weird gray area it seems, since music preference is so variable from person to person. I grew up watching MuchMusic. It might be a Canada thing, so it's like MTV, and like MTV it has almost completely stopped playing music for no fucking reason, DESPITE BEING CALLED


So since I don't have your flashy, ohh look at me highspeed internet, I can't just snap my fingers and have whatever I want playing. This isn't just a rant about shitty music, but also Much and MTV as well.

Here is the MuchMusic countdown:

Popular music is fucking horrible. It seems I'm starting to like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga since there is such a vacuum of decent music as of late. It feels like, this is rap all over again, another trend I just can't get behind that is going to dominate, and be shitty.

What the fuck is a Tokio Hotel, or a Cobra Starship? It's like they just google "faggotry" and randomly click at words that pop up. "No, that name is cool, or means something, make it more vague and retarded." About a year ago, we actually started paying an extra dollar a month for a channel called "punch much" that just plays music, I thought "Good, people will just continually play awesome music, great idea" then I highfived myself. Half the time it's the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus or whatever the fuck a Justin Beiber is. (a faggot)

I catch myself frequently humming fucking Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson songs. Where is the good music?

I guess I probably shouldn't even make this thread, since my favorite singer is Rod Stewart. He's fucking awesome beyond words by the way.

It's just, god damnit, Owl City?

Shitty songs + retarded fucking band name = great success.

What do you guys think about music right now?


I hate when video embedding is disabled, fucking rage, anyway, check this out:
It's that fucking Owl City video, it has 22,559,521 fucking views.

Also, here is that stupid 3Oh3 song with Katy Perry dancing in that nipple popping wetsuit in that fountain:

Lvl 6
When the good music was being created there was generally something that people were very concerned with at the time and the creators used it as a sort of "rally" point for good creative works. Sadly, people have become so self-involved that if it's not happening to them it doesn't seem to matter. So the music they are creating only makes sense to them at this particular moment, screw you and what you like. I know, I know, who cares what a 50 year old guy thinks, right? He's WAY to old to matter. See my point?
Lvl 6
wholly fuck where do i start? i have been a DJ for 10 years and have had to live neck deep in the top 40 genere. i cant stand gucci man and lil wayne.
the good music is the music ya wont hear on the radio... cuz god knows they are about brainwashing ppl into liking music. thats why they will play a song over and over and over for 6-7 months... then fade it out and pick up another one. i personally listen to underground music... psychopathic records artists... groups like hollywood undead ect ect

MTV is just a fucking joke.... has been for a looong time now. does anyone remember when they used to have "video dj's".

maybe if mainstream didnt suck balls so bad... MTV might play more videos?

Lvl 8
Honda, popular music HAS been shitty for a long time. I can't remeber the last top 40 single I thought was even OK. Once I discovered a bunch of underground bands in my early teens, I stopped listening to the radio and MTV. The only FM station I listen to is the local calssic rock channel we leave on at my shop all day. I have satelite radio in my car and it's well worth the money IMHO.

Edit: The Beastie Boys have had some top 40 singles over the years and they still kick ass.
Lvl 18
dude just get an ipod and buy all of your favorites and listen to that.
problem solved.
Lvl 17
Because too much of the music today is more about image than sound.
Lvl 16
You ask a question and answer it at the same time. For the same reason real democracy as a form of government is a bad idea. Anything that is acceptable to the majority of the people is by necessity going to be pretty close to the least common denominator and therefore unacceptable to individual people when taken out of the group-think context. That's why you can hear someone bitching about pop music at lunch and then see the same guy trying to dance to it at a party (that and alcohol which is another leading cause of bad music).
Lvl 14
What happened to music?


When the FCC changed the rules and permitted large corporations
to control most of the FM and AM stations, the outlet for independent
(good) music vanished. Radio stations play music that will make them
money, they care not about the quality of the composition, the artist,
the musicians or the arrangement.

A foot note to this is the (mostly black) singer's concept of good
singing. They somehow think that getting many notes out of a single
syllable is good. I can't stand that. Michael Bolton, Maria Carrey and
Celine Dione are white and have adopted this Black technique
and it doesn't do them a bit of good.

I could stick a broom stick up their ass, jiggle it and get the
same audio output.

A good singer is one who can holed a perfectly pitched note and
give it class. The Black singers can't do it, so they jiggle
the syllable. When I was in the Middle East and listened to
local radio there, the Arabs sing that way and have for thousands
of years. Americans hated it there, but by god they'll applaud it
here. Is the USA fucked up? I'd say so.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Seryano

What happened to music?


When the FCC changed the rules and permitted large corporations
to control most of the FM and AM stations, the outlet for independent
(good) music vanished.

That doesn't explain why there isn't a lot of good music coming out of countries the FCC has no control over. If you will notice, the person who brought this up is from Canada.

Tokio Hotel is German.

Cobra Starship is from the US.

Justin Bieber is Canadian.

Owl City may be from the US, but their influences are almost all from Europe.

Quit blaming the US for everything wrong in the world. Bad music existed all over the world before the FCC even existed and definitely before they changed their rules. Come on. The freaking Europeans made The Hoff think he could sing worth a damn. !
I feel your pain too, I don't mind some of the catchy stuff like gaga and katy while I'm working or in the car but if they're still thrashing it 4 months after it was popular it starts to piss me off but it's no big deal I can adjust the tuning on the radio to a station with more variety or good local stuff.
And yeah the vast majority of top40 stuff is complete shit, I mean what the fuck is this?...
How is this shit popular, who chooses this cancer?
Lvl 14
Well, regardless of the cause of the problem, I have solved it for me, personally.
I listen to radio on the internet. There are so many choices that permit me to find
precisely what I want at the time I want it.

Phuque the FCC and the Radio Monopolies.

If I find something I like, I DL it and burn a disc so I can listen in my car.

Radio cut their own throats with constipated conservative talk, beating the same
old horse over and over again. Screw that!

So when I drive I listen to my CDs and at home I listen to the Internet.

Radio was once great media. Not now.