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which do you prefer

Starter: DEMO Posted: 8 years ago Views: 3.8K
Lvl 27
So, I've watched this site evolve from a busy friendly forum, to the almost cricket silence it is today. That made me wonder, do people prefer friendly chit chat, or heated debates with name calling and a bunch of rudeness which we have never allowed here?

I'm not going to do a poll, no one ever pays attention to them anyway. If you have an opinion, please, feel free to express it here.

Or, the dead forums could just be part of the evolution of forums. Either way, if you have an opinion, please, by all means, express it.
Lvl 4
I enjoy smart, snarky comments and dialogue that is both fun and playful. It doesn't take long for "Everything SUCKS!!!!!!!" personalities to throw cold water on everything. Respectful comments at a bare minimum.

The multi-intrest threads like the kind, SydneySinbad post are awesome (planes, architecture, nature, oh, and amazing beauties). Hey, we're all here to enjoy beautiful women in all shapes and sizes, but there is also more to life. Really.

No disrespect to Oskari, James60, jhope1 and others who spend TONS of time curating fantastic collections of delectable visuals. I know it takes a bunch of time, which I personally don't see to have at the moment - so no help from me.
F1098, omuh, [Deleted] find this awesome.
Lvl 27
Thanks for your input tawdry
Lvl 19

Originally posted by tawdry
I enjoy smart, snarky comments and dialogue that is both fun and playful. It doesn't take long for "Everything SUCKS!!!!!!!" personalities to throw cold water on everything. Respectful comments at a bare minimum.

The multi-intrest threads like the kind, [Link] post are awesome (planes, architecture, nature, oh, and amazing beauties). Hey, we're all here to enjoy beautiful women in all shapes and sizes, but there is also more to life. Really.

No disrespect to Oskari, James60, jhope1 and others who spend TONS of time curating fantastic collections of delectable visuals. I know it takes a bunch of time, which I personally don't see to have at the moment - so no help from me.
Lvl 25
Hey let's let people discuss politics, identity politics, and religion. What could possibly go wrong?

Notech_The_Abbot finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
Lvl 8
I blame Obama.
moss, RiffRaff, B.H.D.2 find this awesome.
Lvl 24
Thanks for asking. I prefer boobs.
exocet finds this awesome.
Personally I enjoy creating the threads that I do, so I guess that's my "topic of interest" right there.

I would, however, get involved in other threads if I was interested. As Tawdry has said, SydneySinbad creates some excellent threads of other categories, but for me they are more of a "watch from the outside" thread rather than a "get involved" thread. Similar to mine I guess.

I'm not a fan of those "last letter first" threads of which there seem to be many, but some people seem to enjoy them a fair amount.

I also think that an instant-messaging system would work a lot better if you want to have people talking back and forth - it might just be me but I think that method would help conversation flow.
DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
I can't say much in this thread because I'm just usually a lurker. Been around for a long time but don't post much.
My opinion is that we're losing a lot of the people who contributed to the randomness of the forums. Honda, SugarPie, FeFeHumHum etc etc. They forums aren't dying, they're just waiting for the right people to bring them back.
DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
Need some new threads and some new topics to living things up around here
Lvl 19
What is stopping you ?

Originally posted by littlebit444
Need some new threads and some new topics to living things up around here
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
Your right got to go start something (------)-----> like may B trading pics,