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What happened to the site?

Starter: wavedave45 Posted: 9 years ago Views: 21.6K
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Lvl 4
Naked women good
Lvl 71
Originally posted by Davey45
As long as the rules allow for uploads of random photos of any woman regardless of attractiveness or sex appeal, the quality will lack. People upload twenty pictures of some middle aged woman in a sweater and jeans and according to the rules, it has to be accepted.

This is something I've been thinking about lately.
As Kanzen said, it seems like people confuse WBW, whitch is a porn website, with facebook or whatever social media.
So I was thinking that for a pic to be accepted (on top of the regular rules), it would have to have some objective sex appeal element if the girl is non-nude: bare full legs (in short shorts, short skirt etc.), cleavage showing, or ass/nipples showing through the clothes (tights pants, skirt, wet t-shirt etc.). That would eliminate all the face selfshots that have nothing to do on a porn site as well as family/friend type pictures.

Originally posted by trouble25
I must admit, if i knew other amateur forums like this, i´d probably visit them too, but its a big nono asking about that here, so i know nothing of other forums.

The forum part dont have many posts, but most of them are okay or better. The gallery part is getting worse. The "quality" of girls/women uploaded is getting to the point where i question if it should just have been added to the Train wreck thread here.

There are some straight up disgusting women who should´ve been told to stay fully dressed, preferably in a jumpsuit. I usually jump online to look at the neighbourghs daughter type or babes i otherwise wouldnt see naked, not nasty, fugly women that makes me question my sexuality.

I´d like to see some more quality tbh.

PS. if anyone knows of similar sites, do PM me so i have some place to spend my free time.

Now this is something different because there is no objective way to judge that. I'm not a fan of "BBW" either but you have to consider two things:
- we can't possibility judge objectively who is considered too ugly/ too fat because it's only a matter of personal taste. And as I saw in the comment, while some despise any hint of thickness, some others do appreciate it.
- we are on an amateur website. If you only want to see pictures of women who are within the current beauty standards, then you may want to check pro content since that's what they're for. Amateur means anyone, so you'll have women you'll find ugly (but maybe they won't be for others). All that is purely subjective to judge and I wouldn't want to see a rule stating "sorry you're too ugly to enter".
Whiteviper1985 finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
I think attractive/ugly or skinny/fat would probably be too subjective but there can be a basic standard set for "sexiness". I mean, this is technically a porn site. Fully clothed, non-provocative photos really have no business here.
omuh, slider58, kylecook, dogdude find this awesome.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by hunnied012
Thehbfactor comes back for entertainment and there is none... so displeased.

Huh, how about that. Too bad.

Originally posted by F1098
Hbfactor is....?????


A poster from a long time ago that was fairly popular around these parts, as in addition to her lounge/forum activity she was occasionally inclined to post photos of herself in various states of undress. It also probably didn't hurt that she was what most would consider quite attractive.
Goldseeker, atryus, desperatemofo find this awesome.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by wavedave45
Been a member for years. This place used to be busy with tons of threads in most of the forums. Now it's dead.

We never recovered from the loss of Honda.
atryus finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
I agree. Though I thought the good gentleman was out of his mind, I loved the energy that he and several others put into the site !! I miss that energy EL, and I accept some gnarly and contentious personalities as a necessary part of a forum. I guess others here are less tolerant and accept the bland in exchange for comity.

Which is sad. Remember that famous line from Orson Wells about the 'Italians had the four hundred years of the Renaissance and all of it's political assassination,torture and warfare and GREAT ART and in the same period the Swiss produced the cuckoo clock'...?

Or something like that. Bring on the bad manners and debate.
Originally posted by EricLindros

We never recovered from the loss of Honda.
* This post has been modified : 8 years ago
Lvl 25
See? This is why no one comes to the site anymore. F1098, we are sick and tired of your anti-Swiss propaganda bullshit. It was bad enough when you started that thread about rounding up all those Swiss into camps.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
I am Swiss. If you are going to Bern, PM me and I'll have a cousin comp you a beer.

Originally posted by Kanzen
See? This is why no one comes to the site anymore. F1098, we are sick and tired of your anti-Swiss propaganda bullshit. It was bad enough when you started that thread about rounding up all those Swiss into camps.
Lvl 3
Nothing worse than a self-hating Swiss.
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by F1098
I am Swiss. If you are going to Bern, PM me and I'll have a cousin comp you a beer.


I'll just have hot chocolate please.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by LemonPie
Nothing worse than a self-hating Swiss.

I agree LP
Lvl 8
I dislike swiss cheese. I do enjoy powdered, imitation cocoa-flavored drink though.
Lvl 19
Chocolate, nah. Not in the mood.

Cheese ? Same.

But I just might slip into this smashing little dirndl that I've been saving for a frolic in the frothy meringue of a Lemon Pie. I like Lemon Pie. Sweet, yet tart in a nice flaky crust.

Notech_The_Abbot finds this awesome.
Lvl 22
Uhmmm nice flaky crust
F1098 finds this awesome.
Long time member, occasional forum poster a long time ago but working 3 jobs I just have no time to peruse.

Just rubberneckin' another Forum fatality scare now

Lard is the secret ingredient in that flake. Rubber and lard...oh my.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by rower41

Lard is the secret ingredient in that flake.

It's also what makes Cuban bread so fantastically awesome for toast and sandwiches.
assman24 finds this awesome.
Lvl 71
The uploading rules have been updated to add a new one:

9. To limit the number of "non-porn/sexy" pictures uploaded to the galleries, non-nude pictures must show at least one of the following: cleavage, nipples (through tight or wet clothes), ass (through tights clothes), full legs (either bare legs or with stockings/pantyhoses/tight pants), cameltoe

This will prevent pics that are facebook/friend/family album material to be posted onto the galleries and hopefully will increase the quality of the non-nude category a bit.
Since we had to keep it objective, the rules will still apply regardless of the girl subjective attractiveness.
i think it went down hill when we got levels next to our names and could no longer gain the rank of demi-god........i liked being a demi-god
I am however happy the bananas stayed
F1098, DEMO find this awesome.
Lvl 24
How about approaching it from another angle: what's good about the site?

I like the variety, even though that means every picture isn't my cup of tea.
Davey45, dvetteone, Goldseeker, exocet and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 3
Originally posted by EricLindros

We never recovered from the loss of Honda.

miss him so much
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