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Weapons laws?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.1K
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Lvl 7
What country do you reside in? USA Mass/Iowa

Can you have long guns, if so is there a waiting period? Mass need an FID card not sure on wait/iowa no permit=20-3min wait. with purchase permit no wait.

Can you have hand guns, if so is there a waiting period? Mass need a license to carry not sure on wait/Iowa need permit to purchase

Knives and swords? Mass kives i think is a 3-4" limit,swords as long as is stays sheathed/Iowa not sure but i always have a butterfly an switchblade on me

Batons, billy clubs, etc?not sure

Pepper Spray?not sure

Stun, tazer guns?not sure
Lvl 22
check the other thread
Lvl 8
Originally posted by ev1l0ne

I was reading through some of the various firearms laws that are applicable where I live. This made me curious what the laws are concerning weapons (firearms, batons, bladed weapons, tazers and chemical sprays) in other countries?

What country do you reside in? (should be "In which country do you reside? - you've got a dangling participle) Georgia, USA

Can you have long guns, if so is there a waiting period?YES, pending FBI background check(1-4 hours) or you can walk out of the store with the firearm if you have a conceal permit (like I do)

Can you have hand guns, if so is there a waiting period?Same as above - I purchased my .45 Springfield XD and walked out of the store with it..

Knives and swords?of course

Batons, billy clubs, etc?yes

Pepper Spray?yes, but I dunno about mace, I think it requires some sort of permit

Stun, tazer guns?yes
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