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WBW -- Mac Switchers/Users Thread [Updatedx2]

Starter: Kanzen Posted: 17 years ago Views: 11.3K
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Leopard Guru's
Since I am still coming up to speed on Leopard and Mac's in general I need to pick the Mac gurus brains.

I need to set up an automount on a Imac running Leopard. I went in and went to edit the .fstab file and realized it isn't there.

So my question is...

How do you set up an automount on a remote system on an Imac running Leopard?
Lvl 25
Mind expanding upon what you intend do? It is quite vague.
Originally posted by Kanzen

Mind expanding upon what you intend do? It is quite vague.

I had six systems (Imacs) that all needed to automatically (automount)a remote (different hostname's file system) on a local directory.

I was able to finally figure it out. The file /etc/ for a static mount point and /etc/fstab for automounts.
Lvl 4
This isn't necessarily a mac question. I've been using a wireless router at home and recently a neighbor asked if his son could use have access to it for "homework" and things like that. So I've allowed them access to using my wireless. But now it has begun to run slower and I have a suspicion that it is because my neighbor's son is downloading or just using up more bandwidth than originally intended. Someone told me onetime that you can go into your router and actually set limits on the amount of bandwidth accessible. Is this true? If so, how can I go about doing this?

Lvl 59
Question: Why should i overpay for an slightly superior product, at best, with one of the least-open systems in the industry?
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