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waywardson is back (hang on its a long one)

Starter: waywardson Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.1K
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Lvl 21
First I'd like thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes (I think they worked).There to many to list them all separately so thanks to all of you.

The whole thing started with classic heart attack symptoms,,chest and jaw pain along with nausea so we called 911 and I was taken to the local Hospital in Bolivar Mo.. After sitting there for 6 hours one blood test and two EKG's they decided I had something wrong with my heart. So they put me in an ambulance and sent me to another bigger hospital 35 miles away in Springfield MO. (yes I have a lawyer).

I was in this new hospitals emergency room for five minutes and was taken immediately the their Cath Lab and had two stints put in, I had one artery completely blocked and one partiality,(I have before and after xray pics I'll post later).

Well after that things were going pretty good until I was doing physical therapy (walking up and down the hall) and I crashed totally,, after CPR and a couple of shocks I was back again. They said I was dead for a couple minutes.

They took me back to the Cath Lab to check my stints and they were fine so after a few more test they decided I had an arrhythmia and needed a pace maker/defibrillator put in.

Before they could do that i developed a bleeding ulcer,they ran a scope down my throat and got it to stop bleeding long enough to get my pace maker in. While I was recovering from that the ulcer burst again,but this time I was bleeding almost faster than they could pump it in.So it was off to emergency surgery where they removed the ulcer and sewed the hole, it took 9 units of blood and 4 bags of plasma to replace what I lost. With recovery time this all happened it about 2 1/2 weeks. In that time my muscles went to shit and I couldn't stand or walk.

I spent the next 20 days in rehab learning to walk again and build up a little strength.

I'm home now and walking but still doing physical therapy.

That about covers it,,What did I miss here?
Lvl 24
Damn brah, it's good to know that you're back.

About time, ya slacker, we've been missing your posts.
Lvl 28
Way to not be dead sir.

I missed you, welcome back.
Lvl 21
thanks guys its good to be here
Lvl 29
Welcome back.. now remember to take it easy..
Lvl 20
Yay, Waywardson is back.

We are still doing that 10K run next month, right?
Lvl 20
Welcome home.

The place was definitely missing something without you.
Lvl 37
d00d, it's bad enough with one problem. Don't complicate things

Glad you're back, the secret to long life is to keep breathing.

Lvl 22
welcome back, wws. sounds like a pretty tough time. good idea to lawyer up.

Lvl 6
welcome back!!
Welcome back glad you made it through all that rough shit! Do you have to stay away from Microwaves now or is that just a myth?
Lvl 26
Welcome Back Waywardson, Glad to hear you are on the mend matey !

Lvl 28
welcome back... it's good to see that you're alright...
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Assman!

Do you have to stay away from Microwaves now or is that just a myth?
It's funny, I asked my Dr. the same question and he said as long as your not inside one you'll be alright.
big magnets like the ones in speakers are a different story.
Lvl 28
I don't believe that..

Get a magnet, throw it on your chest..and prove to everyone how right I am.

I'll wait here.

I know I've mentioned this before, but it's really awesome you had your wife come on and tell us all what was going on.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Honda_X

I know I've mentioned this before, but it's really awesome you had your wife come on and tell us all what was going on.
SHE is awesome the hospital is 5 minutes from her work but an hour and a half from our house, She had to work,spend time with me and get home to try to get rest. With all the stress, worry and lack of sleep I think it was almost as hard on her as it was me.
Lvl 28
Yep, stand up chick you got there, way to be.
WWS .....welcome back. Sounds like you were in the hands of processionals. Thank god Obamacare wasn't in effect.
Lvl 5
WWS, you are a very blessed man to have made it through all that crap. I'm glad to here you're doing okay.

By the way you didn't miss much.
Lvl 22
Welcome back Buddy,it's the dawning of a new day !

(hope this works)

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