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Vieuws and reply`s

Starter: W@r-Steiner Posted: 21 years ago Views: 830
Lvl 14
U know i wonder why there are so manny topic vieuws and so few reply`s
For example the "what do you like " in the public babes sectionby Just-C
has 1617 vieuws and 20 reply`s
Mmmm....well i think they are doing other things on this site

* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 19
The children are afraid of the mean Moderaters

See... No waste of bandwith herre, right herre!!
Lvl 17
You can only post if you are member (and membership is for free) and maybee the views are from people that are not member yet.... <-- what I think about the people that are not free member yet...
Lvl 14
Last time i checked we had 5327 members
Lvl 12
Lvl 16
hmm nice to see so many ppl viewed my topic
Lvl 16
i liked the mean moderator explanation better