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Starter: roggy69 Posted: 10 years ago Views: 3.1K
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Lvl 71
As it's just a discussion, moved to the Lounge
Lvl 17
Originally posted by roggy69
Does anyone else like trannys?
That's possible.
Originally posted by roggy69
I would love to fuck one.
Don't hasitate.
Lvl 112
Originally posted by roggy69
Does anyone else like trannys?

I would love to fuck one.

that might be fine for you since you have homosexual inclinations but i'm a Georgia born white heterosexual and don't even do ass fucking,,,but if I ever did you can bet it would be with a lady and not some guy pretending to be a lady....that being said if that's your thing then go for it
[Deleted], Goldseeker find this awesome.
Wow, could this thread be any more offensive?

As someone involved heavily in the LGBTQ community; I know a few trans women, and they would be horrified at this thread.

1) The word "tranny" is about as offensive as the N word, it even upsets me that its been used twice in this tread already.
2) They aren't "men pretending to be women". Its been proven time and time again that the brains of trans people are not the same as the gender they were assigned at birth. "Pretending" suggests that at some point they go back to living as man (if they are male to female trans) and thats not the case, they can spend their lives transitioning. It isn't just for fun...would you go through life constantly in fear of being beaten up, called names, and in many places, treated as a second class citizen?
3) If you see them as a woman, then its not "gay" at all, but I suspect you don't. I suspect you see them only as a sexual object, as a fetish in a way, and so in this case, yes, you might be a little gay.
doolittle, F1098 find this awesome.
Lvl 27
The C6 tranny in my 1975 F250 4X4 went out after I changed the fluid, was a bad day
Lvl 25
Originally posted by DEMO
The C6 tranny in my 1975 F250 4X4 went out after I changed the fluid, was a bad day

Probably because you put Mecron in when it really required Type-F. :P
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Kanzen

Probably because you put Mecron in when it really required Type-F. :P

Heh, I understood that. I know sex stuff too.
Lvl 27
It was a dirty, dirty tranny...

Type f was used, just made the dirty, break loose and screw up the internal mechanism.
Lvl 25
You mean the deposits came loose like in the valve body or around the clutch/bands? You shouldn't be using that City Star bullshit automotive fluids, there is a reason that shit is dirt cheap. Some asshole is making that shit in his basement.
Lvl 27
Yeah, lost second gear because of dirt...

Let that be a lesson to you all, dirty tranny‘s are bad.
Lvl 25
Unless they let you use their output port.

So was it Ford's second generation of the Cruise-O-Matic trans in that, because those things shredded themselves to death in like seven years without regular rebuilds.
Lvl 27
I'm actually not sure what generation tranny it was, I got rid of the truck back in 87 or 88. But I tell ya,the 390 engine it was hooked to,was a beast of an engine, you couldn't kill that sombitch...
Lvl 20
Lol hands down this wins the awards for the best thread hijack ever
DEMO, [Deleted], F1098 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by DEMO
I'm actually not sure what generation tranny it was, I got rid of the truck back in 87 or 88. But I tell ya,the 390 engine it was hooked to,was a beast of an engine, you couldn't kill that sombitch...

Probably a second generation of the Cruise-O-Matic, three-speed automatic transmission then. Oh you could kill that engine pretty easily, empty out the oil and try to idle it for a minute and it would be nothing but a hunk of metal.

Originally posted by SmellMyCheese

Lol hands down this wins the awards for the best thread hijack ever

Proper engine and transmission maintenance is no joke.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by SmellMyCheese
Lol hands down this wins the awards for the best thread hijack ever

Apparently boys and trannys are inseparable.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by DEMO
The C6 tranny in my 1975 F250 4X4 went out after I changed the fluid, was a bad day

the same thing happened to mine to except it is a 1981
Lvl 27
The 390 ran with a collapsed lifter for the entire time I owned it, approximately 3 years...

I loved that truck.
Originally posted by F1098

Apparently boys and trannys are inseparable.

I had no idea that this thread was going to be like sitting at my mothers table with my brothers when I first clicked on it. This is like going home again.
F1098, DEMO find this awesome.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Kanzen

Proper engine and transmission maintenance is no joke.

I agree, or your tranny fucks you. Just to keep it a lil bit on topic...somewhat...*goes back to drinking coffee*
Lvl 19
I thought the very same thing Lia. My bros would go on for hours about this stuff.

Originally posted by Lia
I had no idea that this thread was going to be like sitting at my mothers table with my brothers when I first clicked on it. This is like going home again.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
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